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July 23, 2020

Most Favor Use of Federal Cops To Fight Crime in Some Cities

Most voters approve of President Trump’s decision to use federal agents to fight the growing violent crime in some major cities. They also believe many of these cities bring the criminal problems onto themselves.

Editorial credit: chrisdorney / Shutterstock.com
July 22, 2020

Enthusiasm Grows for Trump-Biden Contest in November

Voters in both major parties are getting more enthusiastic about a Trump-Biden presidential matchup in November.

July 21, 2020

Even More Now Oppose Defunding Police, Fear More Violence

Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

Editorial credit: Creative Lab / Shutterstock.com
July 20, 2020

Voters See Media A Lot More Eager To Help Biden Than Trump

Voters still think most news reporters are biased and will continue to help Joe Biden a lot more than President Trump in their coverage of the presidential campaign.

July 17, 2020

63% Say Most News Organizations Are Politically Biased

Following the high-profile resignation of a New York Times opinion page editor, most voters are eager to find fair and balanced media coverage but think the majority of news organizations these days are politically biased.

Editorial credit: Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com
July 16, 2020

51% Want to Scrap Electoral College

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent “faithless elector” decision focuses attention once again on the Electoral College’s role in presidential elections. Just over half of voters are ready to set the Founding Fathers’ Electoral College aside.

July 16, 2020

Voters Say Biden Far More Likely Than Trump To Raise Taxes

Joe Biden has promised to raise taxes, and voters believe him. Voters are nearly twice as likely to think Biden will raise their taxes than President Trump will.

Editorial credit: kovop58 / Shutterstock.com
July 14, 2020

Only 54% Think Biden Capable of Debating Trump

A New York Times columnist has urged likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden not to debate President Trump in the fall. Most voters think that’s a bad idea, although only just over half believe Biden is even up to debating Trump given ongoing questions about his mental health.

Editorial credit: Bryan Regan / Shutterstock.com
July 9, 2020

Most Want to Prosecute Historic Statue Vandals

Most voters want the government to stop the attacks on historical monuments and prosecute those who have desecrated them.

July 9, 2020

Most Favor Extra Government Effort to Put Americans First in Job Market

Voters want the government to make sure native-born Americans get first crack at the post-coronavirus job market, keeping out foreign workers until the employment rate returns to normal.

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
July 8, 2020

Trump’s Opponent Not Important to Most Anti-Trump Voters

Just over half of voters continue to say they’re likely to vote against President Trump this fall. A sizable majority of those voters don’t seem to care who runs against him.

July 3, 2020

Voters Strongly Support Mount Rushmore, Historic Statues

Most voters still rally around Mount Rushmore and historic statues around the country that may be out of line with modern-day sentiments. But there is growing support among those under 40 to do away with them.

July 1, 2020

Feds Plan to Bring Back Death Penalty; 50% Agree

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to stop the government from reviving the death penalty for federal cases after not using it for nearly 20 years. Voters still tend to support capital punishment but not like they used to.

July 1, 2020

Jobs Americans Won’t Do? Most Voters Disagree

Supporters of immigration, illegal or otherwise, often say that immigrants take the jobs Americans don’t want, but most voters don’t agree.

White letter R on blue background
June 29, 2020

38% of Voters Think Biden Has Dementia

Nearly four-out-of-10 voters believe Joe Biden has dementia. Most voters, including just over half of Democrats, feel it is important for the likely Democratic presidential nominee to publicly address the issue.

June 26, 2020

Most Feel Personally Less Safe, Ready to Turn to Biden

Voters worry about their safety more these days and have more confidence in Joe Biden than President Trump to make things better. But once again party affiliation makes a big difference.

June 23, 2020

64% Worry About Cop Shortage and Public Safety; Blacks Worry Most

Most Americans value the role of the police and worry that increasing criticism of cops will make their communities less safe. Black Americans are the most concerned.

June 22, 2020

Most Don’t Agree With Democrats or Republicans in Congress

Voters continue to see Democrats in Congress as more liberal than they are and congressional Republicans as more conservative.

Editorial credit: Piusillu / Shutterstock.com
June 19, 2020

Military Voters Are A Lot More Critical of Trump

President Trump drew criticism from retired military leaders when he recently threatened to use the armed forces to calm domestic unrest, and veterans in general are a lot more critical of the president than they have been in the past.

June 19, 2020

Most Say Political Party Leaders Out of Step With Their Voters

Most voters in both major parties continue to believe their ideological views are moving away from the leaders of their parties.