Most Don’t Trust Political News But Following More Closely
Voters still don’t trust the political news they get and think it remains biased against President Trump. But they’re also following the news more closely these days.
Voters still don’t trust the political news they get and think it remains biased against President Trump. But they’re also following the news more closely these days.
Belief that black lives matter more than all lives is up from five years ago, but most voters still put all lives first. Voters also still favor a Blue Lives Matter law in their state to protect the police.
With race-driven anti-police protests nationwide, one-in-three voters continue to believe America is on the brink of another civil war. Blacks are the least optimistic that the protests will lead to positive change but the most supportive of removing Confederate symbols from public display.
Most voters have a high regard for the police and think they’re likely to be around for a long time to come.
The popularity of the Black Lives Matter movement has climbed dramatically after several days of protest following the police killing of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis.
Despite the high-profile anti-police protests nationwide, few Americans believe there are too many cops in this country, and most reject the push by the political left to defund police departments.
Belief that blacks are treated unfairly by police and that police discrimination is a bigger issue than inner city crime have jumped to new highs.
More voters than ever are regular Internet users, with over one-third of those under 40 now saying their political opinions are influenced by social media. Most continue to believe social media like Facebook and Twitter divide us as a nation.
Democrats tend to think it’s too hard to vote in America which explains their strong support for mail-in ballots and are much stronger advocates than other voters of restoring the voting rights of felons who have served their sentences.
Voters are more critical of the police response to the latest outburst of black protest nationwide but also tend to agree with President Trump that the so-called “antifa” movement thought to be behind much of the violence should be labeled as terrorists.
Voters in so-called Blue Democratic-run states are more likely than those in Red GOP-led states to say their state finances are worsening. No wonder Democrats are much bigger fans of federal bailouts of financially troubled states than other voters are.
Voters agree with President Trump that the operators of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are politically biased, but they stop short of endorsing his punitive executive order opening them up to lawsuits over posts on their sites.
After last week’s flap over Joe Biden’s black voter comment, Kamala Harris has edged ahead among her fellow Democrats on a list of the party’s top potential vice presidential candidates.
One-in-four black voters agree with Joe Biden that a black voter who chooses Donald Trump over Biden is not really black.
Joe Biden triggered a backlash last week when he said blacks who choose President Trump over him aren’t really black, but most voters continue to believe politicians only play the so-called ‘race card’ to win, not to fix minority problems. Still, they see Democrats like Biden as a bigger help than Republicans.
Views of the coronavirus crisis and how America has responded continue to break down along party lines, which helps explain why Red Republican states are opening up while Blue Democrat states are extending their lockdowns.
The pursuit of Donald Trump’s tax returns by congressional Democrats has now made it to the U.S. Supreme Court, and most voters continue to believe Trump should hand them over. For most Democrats and unaffiliated voters, Trump’s taxes are a big voting issue. For Republicans, not so much.
Joe Biden still bests President Trump in a head-to-head matchup, perhaps in part because voters express slightly more confidence in the likely Democratic nominee to handle the post-coronavirus economy.
Voters are evenly divided over whether the U.S. Justice Department should have dropped its crumbling case against former Trump adviser Michael Flynn, even though they tend to think his conviction was valid. But once again there’s a sharp partisan difference of opinion.
Despite increasing reports of high-level FBI complicity in attacks on the Trump campaign and the early Trump presidency, voters still view the federal police agency favorably and aren’t ready to dump its current director.