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September 11, 2008

Two Bridges to Nowhere By Joe Conason

Is Sarah Palin the implacable pit bull of government reform, lipstick and all? The latest Republican campaign commercial pictures her in heroic terms at the side of John McCain as one of the "original mavericks," declaring that she "stopped the bridge to nowhere."

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September 11, 2008

Lipstick, Dipstick By Debra J. Saunders

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday -- thereby spawning one of those vacuous debates that will consume at least two days of air time on cable news talk shows.

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September 11, 2008

GOP Back On The Polarization Trail By Froma Harrop

"We grow good people all across America, with honesty, sincerity and dignity." No, Sarah Palin didn't say that. She said, "We grow good people in our small towns" and listed the above virtues.

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September 11, 2008

Obama vs. Obama By Dick Morris

Now that the conventions are over, it is evident that the battle of John McCain is over (McCain won) and the battle of Barack Obama will determine the outcome of the election.

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September 10, 2008

Don't Blame Oprah By Susan Estrich

Poor Oprah. Of course, Oprah is not poor by anyone's definition (we should all be so poor), but she found herself between a rock and a hard place on the question of whether to invite the newest, and right now probably the biggest, celebrity in the world on her show. To do Sarah or not to do Sarah? No good answer.

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September 10, 2008

The GOP Resurrection By Tony Blankley

In the past 30 years or so, since presidential conventions no longer actually have decided the nominees, their usual purpose has been to focus and project a positive image of the already chosen candidate (and, of course, disparage the opponent). But last week in St. Paul, Minn., the GOP convention was different.

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September 9, 2008

Immigrants and the Safety Net By Froma Harrop

The conservative economist Milton Friedman famously said, "You can't have free immigration and a welfare state." He was right. You can't flood our labor markets with illegal workers paying little in taxes -- and provide good government benefits for everyone.

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September 7, 2008

Romancing the Vote By Debra J. Saunders

The 2008 Republican National Convention had too much in common with the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston.

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September 6, 2008

There's Something Missing in St. Paul By Lawrence Kudlow

On CNBC Wednesday night, Jack Welch, GE's CEO from that firm's salad days in the '80s and '90s, pointed out the dangers of a three-house Democratic sweep.

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September 6, 2008

The Battle of the Party Themes By Michael Barone

The national conventions are political shows staged to influence voters. Soon, we can measure the bounce that the two tickets have received from their gatherings.

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September 5, 2008

The Old John McCain By Debra J. Saunders

"I miss the old John McCain." It's a refrain I hear on a regular basis, most often from people who are Barack Obama voters no matter what.

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September 5, 2008

Democrats in Trouble By Dick Morris

The convention floor was abuzz all yesterday with the news of the CBS poll showing a dead tie (42-42) in the presidential race. And the poll, conducted through Wednesday, couldn't reflect the impact of John McCain's speech, or the full impact of Sarah Palin's late Wednesday night.

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September 5, 2008

The Big 5-0 By Susan Estrich

He hit it this week. The big 5-0. No, I'm not referring to the age -- an age that, whatever anyone says, is not the new 30. It's still 50. It's something no one I know looks forward to unless they are ill and afraid they won't make it that far.

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September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin Strikes Back By Debra J. Saunders

"The Republican Party will not stand by while Gov. (Sarah) Palin is subjected to sexist attacks," Carly Fiorina, the former head of Hewlett-Packard and constant McCain booster, told a press conference at the Republican National Convention Wednesday. "I don't believe American women are going to stand for it either."

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September 4, 2008

A Star is Born By Dick Morris

With sass and wit, sarcasm and sincerity, courage and strength, Sarah Palin last night showed us a new model of female politician.

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September 4, 2008

Don't They Have Birth Control up in Alaska? By Froma Harrop

I had dinner last night with a Republican-leaning independent who was despondent over John McCain's choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

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September 4, 2008

Why Bristol's Baby Matters By Joe Conason

Families deserve privacy about family matters, but families that want absolute privacy should stay out of politics. Sooner or later someone would have noticed the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, 17-year-old daughter of John McCain's vice-presidential pick, especially since everyone in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, seemed to know already.

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September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin, Our Energy Answer By Lawrence Kudlow

The No. 1 economic issue this election is gasoline prices at the pump. The tax-hike effect of surging oil on global markets that has translated to a huge spike at your local gas station has drained the economy of its vitality. It has damaged consumer purchasing power, made it tougher to pay mortgages on time, worsened the credit crunch, raised the inflation rate, undermined corporate profits and thrown stocks into the first bear market in five years.

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September 3, 2008

Stand By Sarah: She's Still a Winning Pick By Dick Morris

The dominant question at the GOP convention is: Will John McCain make the huge mistake of abandoning Sarah Palin?

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September 3, 2008

What an Election! By Larry Sabato

Two tickets full of history, one headed by the first African-American in position to become president, the other with a woman situated to become the nation's first female vice president.