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Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
October 28, 2019

17% of Democrats Identify More With Trump

Most Republicans continue to identify a lot more with President Trump than with the GOP Congress, while Democrats still strongly agree with their congressional representatives. But nearly one-in-five Democrats are now more likely to agree with Trump.

October 25, 2019

For Voters, More Government Is A Problem, Not A Solution

Voters aren’t nearly as convinced as the candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination that more government is the answer.

October 25, 2019

Most Say Foreign Aid Not Worth It for Taxpayers

While foreign aid to Ukraine is dominating the headlines, most voters continue to view U.S. government dollars sent to other countries as a bad deal for taxpayers.

October 23, 2019

67% Say Most Are Not Informed Voters

Voters remain highly suspicious of how much their fellow voters know when they go to the polls.

October 23, 2019

GOP Remains Trump’s, Not Romney’s, Party

Mitt Romney continues to be perhaps the most vocal Republican critic of President Trump, but GOP voters still side with the president and think Romney is hurting their party.

Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.com
October 22, 2019

42% Think Pelosi Worse Than Most House Speakers

A sizable number of voters think Nancy Pelosi doesn’t measure up to most of her predecessors as speaker of the House, but Democrats are enthusiastic supporters.

White letter R on blue background
October 21, 2019

Biden Holds His Lead Nationally Among Democrats

Despite his lukewarm performance at the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Joe Biden holds a near two-to-one lead over Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren among his fellow Democrats nationally.

Succo Design / Shutterstock.com
October 18, 2019

Voters Still Suspect High-Level Crimes Against Trump But Doubt Anyone Will Pay

Just over half of voters still believe in the likelihood of an illegal high-level effort to stop the Trump presidency, but not nearly as many expect anyone to be punished for it. Voters are evenly divided over which of the major 2016 presidential campaigns is more likely to have had illegal foreign help.

October 16, 2019

Democrats Value Syria A Lot More Than GOP, Unaffiliated Voters

Nearly half of voters still regard Syria as important to America’s well-being, but Democrats feel that way much more strongly than other voters.

October 15, 2019

Voters See Trump, Democrats With Plans for the Future

Voters remain sure that President Trump and the Democratic Party know where they’re headed, but they’re less confident that Republicans have a similar focus.

October 15, 2019

19% of Democrat Debate Watchers Have Switched Candidates

Even Democrats aren’t overly thrilled about their party’s presidential debates so far, but one-in-five who’ve followed the debates say they’ve switched candidates since they began.

Rena Schild / Shutterstock.com
October 10, 2019

Trump’s Tax Returns Remain A Big Deal for Democrats Only

Most voters still think President Trump should turn over his tax returns to his Democratic opponents, but the tax return question is a lot stronger voting issue for Democrats than it is for others.

October 9, 2019

Most Agree With Trump’s Withdrawal from ‘Endless Wars’

President Trump’s decision to pull back the U.S. military in Syria may be a policy even most Democrats can agree with.

October 7, 2019

Trump vs. Clinton Is Still Neck and Neck

Some have speculated that if Joe Biden falters in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton will jump in. In a repeat matchup of the 2016 election, Clinton runs dead even with President Trump, but even most Democrats don’t want her to get into the race.

October 3, 2019

Impeachment Motivates Anti-Trumpers More Than Pro-Trumpers for 2020

Anti-Trumpers are more likely than President Trump’s supporters to say an impeachment vote will drive them to the polls next year. But voters in general still rank illegal immigration ahead of Trump’s impeachment as an action item for Congress and are evenly divided over whether his impeachment would help or hurt the country.

October 2, 2019

Voters Are Madder at the Media Than at Trump or His Foes

Voters are mad at President Trump and his political opponents, but they’re angriest at the media these days.

October 1, 2019

Voters Say No Trump No Solution to What Divides Us

Voters are more likely to blame President Trump for the country’s political division but don’t think electing Hillary Clinton instead would have changed much. They also don’t see Trump’s defeat next year as a solution to what divides us.

September 27, 2019

Voters See Trump’s Reelection Far More Likely Than Impeachment

Voters think President Trump has more to lose in the growing Ukraine controversy than leading Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, but they still see Trump’s reelection as a surer shot than impeachment.

Osugi / Shutterstock.com
September 26, 2019

33% Say New York Times Is Usually Accurate

Fake news or the real thing? Only one-in-three voters think the New York Times gets it completely right most of the time.

September 25, 2019

Voters Are More Likely Now To Put Environment Ahead of the Economy

With a robust economy and a booming jobs market, voters are feeling more protective of the environment than they have in the past.