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Editorial credit: Eric Glenn / Shutterstock.com
January 6, 2020

Voters Question Length of Campaign, Number of Democratic Debates

A sizable majority of voters still believes the campaign for the White House every four years goes on too long, and half complain that Democrats are overdoing it when it comes to debates.

White letter R on blue background
January 2, 2020

Biden’s Still Ahead But Losing Ground Among Democrats

Joe Biden still leads the Democratic presidential pack, but as the campaign season begins in earnest, he has fallen to his lowest level of support to date.

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December 27, 2019

Women Favor World Run By Women More Than Men Do

Women are a lot more convinced than men that a world run by women would be better place for all.

December 26, 2019

Voters View Impeachment As DOA in GOP Senate

Even Democrats consider it highly unlikely that the Republican-run U.S. Senate will remove President Trump from office now that he has been impeached by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.

December 23, 2019

Most Say Americans Don’t Know How Their Government Works

The impeachment of President Trump by House Democrats has highlighted the complexities of our government, but most continue to believe that Americans don’t know how their government works. They still seem to have a handle on the basics of impeachment, though.

Christopher Penler / Shutterstock.com
December 20, 2019

51% Agree Impeachment Is ‘Abuse of Power’ By Democrats

Voters appear to give President Trump a slight edge in the war of words over impeachment.

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December 19, 2019

Gap Narrows in Trump vs. Michelle Obama Contest

With some Democrats worrying that the current hopefuls for their party’s nomination can’t beat President Trump next year, speculation has begun anew that Michelle Obama will enter the race. The former first lady still has a narrowing advantage over the president in a hypothetical 2020 matchup.

December 18, 2019

Voters Favor Trump’s Impeachment More Than Clinton’s

There’s more voter support for impeaching President Trump than there is for impeaching former President Clinton after all these years.

December 17, 2019

49% Say Anti-Trump Democrats Driven More By Hillary’s Loss Than Trump ‘Crimes’

Voters see little chance that Republicans will jump on the Democrats’ impeachment bandwagon. Most Democrats think that’s because of GOP party loyalty, but then most Republicans believe the impeachment is driven not by broken laws but by President Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

December 16, 2019

Voters Favor Jail, Firing for Rogue Officials Who Targeted Trump

Voters are ready to jail or fire senior law enforcement officials who illegally targeted President Trump, but most think they are unlikely to be punished.

December 13, 2019

Introducing the Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index

Immigration will be central to next year’s presidential election, and Rasmussen Reports has conceived its Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index as a barometer of voter attitudes on this critical issue.

December 12, 2019

Most See Pensacola Shootings As Terrorist Act

Most voters view the recent mass shooting by a Saudi aviation student at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida as terrorism. They also continue to question whether Muslims are treated unfairly in this country.

December 11, 2019

Voters Turn Away From Third-Party Solution

Voters aren’t overly enthusiastic about either of the two major political parties, but they’re less confident than ever that a genuinely competitive third party would make a difference.

December 10, 2019

Impeachment Remains Largely A Democrats-Only Issue

Impeachment isn’t shaping up as the most critical issue in next year’s elections, and voters still tend to think President Trump’s removal from office would hurt the economy. Democrats, of course, disagree.

Hunter Crenian / Shutterstock.com
December 9, 2019

31% Say U.S. Presidency More Powerful Under Trump

Voters still generally feel the president of the United States has about the right level of power, but a sizable number, especially Democrats, worry that the presidency is getting more powerful under President Trump.

December 6, 2019

Hope’s Fading for Woman, Person of Color as Democrats’ 2020 Nominee

With Kamala Harris quitting the race, some Democrats are already worrying about the whiteness of the leading presidential hopefuls. Most Democratic voters – and most blacks – agree that it’s important for the party to nominate a person of color or woman this time around, but hope is fading.

Nicole Glass Photography / Shutterstock.com
December 5, 2019

Voters Blame Humans for Climate Change But Spare Air Travel, Meat Consumption

Voters see a climate change catastrophe ahead and tend to blame humans rather than Mother Nature for it. Those who blame humans want the government to do something about the threat but aren’t prepared to limit air travel or stop eating meat.

December 4, 2019

Voters Question NATO’s Worth

NATO was created after World War II to protect a war-ravaged Europe from the communist Soviet Union, but 70 years later voters here question whether U.S. taxpayers should still pay the biggest bill and wonder what they’re getting for it.

December 3, 2019

38% Favor Banning Hate Speech Offenders From Public Office

Most voters don’t favor a ban on so-called hate speech, but a sizable number are prepared to bar offenders from political office.

December 2, 2019

Biden Still Leads Democratic Pack, Buttigieg Gains

Joe Biden remains the candidate to beat in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. In the battle for second place, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have lost ground, while Pete Buttigieg is gaining.