AZ Senate
In the race for Senate, Arizona Senator Jon Kyl (R) is maintaining and even slightly widening a big lead over real estate developer Jim Pederson (D), 56% to 33%.
In the race for Senate, Arizona Senator Jon Kyl (R) is maintaining and even slightly widening a big lead over real estate developer Jim Pederson (D), 56% to 33%.
Napolitano leads Don Goldwater, nephew of Barry Goldwater, 54% to 34%. The governor also attracts double the support that former state appeals court judge Jan Florez does.
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of the Ohio Senate race shows Republican Senator Mike DeWine now leading Democratic Congressman Sherrod Brown by just a few percentage points, 45% to 42%, with 9% Not Sure.
Two-thirds (68%) of Americans believe it is possible to reduce illegal immigration while just 20% disagree. The belief that the issue could be addressed adds to the intensity of the debate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in the Garden State shows Republican Tom Kean, Jr. earning 41% of the vote while Democrat Robert Menendez attracting support from 39%.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll shows Republican State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka leading Democratic Governor Rod R. Blagojevich 43% to 41%. That toss-up represents an apparent tightening of the race.
List and links to Governor and Senate polls conducted in February and March of 2006.
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of the Ohio race for governor shows likely Democratic nominee Congressman Ted Strickland leading by at least ten percentage points against each Republican most likely to capture the GOP nomination on May 2.
As Congress considers legislation to reform the immigration process, the nation remains divided on how to proceed.
In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Wisconsin's competitive gubernatorial race, Democrat Jim Doyle, the incumbent, maintains a single-digit lead over his remaining Republican challenger.
Though Senator Rick Santorum continues to lag behind Democratic challenger Bob Casey, Jr., Casey's lead has declined a bit.
In his bid for re-election, Virginia Senator George Allen (R) now leads businessman Harris Miller (D) by 29 percentage points, 56% to 27%. The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in the race also shows Allen leading former Navy secretary James Webb by 24 percentage points, 54% to 30%.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Pennsylvania shows Democratic Governor Ed Rendell leading Republican Lynn Swann, the former Pittsburgh Steeler, 44% to 41%.
The latest Rasmussen Reports poll in the race for governor of Michigan shows Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm and Republican Dick DeVos tied, 44% to 44%.
Perdue leads Cox 49% to 41% and leads Taylor 51% to 41%. A month ago, he led both Democrats by 20 points.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in California shows Schwarzenegger trailing State Treasurer Phil Angelides by one percentage point, 45% to 44%.
Only 18% of Americans agree that France is an ally in the war on terror. Almost as many believe France is an enemy in that war.
Eighty percent (80%) of Americans believe that Osama bin Laden is still alive. But only a little more than a third believe that whether the Al Qaeda chief is alive or dead is relevant to national security.
In the latest Rasmussen Reports poll, Burns trails State Senate President Jon Tester 46% to 43%.
In the latest Rasmussen Reports poll of Washington state's Senate race, Democratic U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell leads Republican Mike McGavick 49% to 36%. The rolling average of our last three polls shows Cantwell with a 50% to 36% lead.