If it's in the News, it's in our Polls. Public opinion polling since 2003.


Most Recent Releases

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July 28, 2006

Florida Senate: Katherine Harris (R) Still Flailing

Florida's gubernatorial race may be competitive and fluid, but there is still scant movement in the lopsided race for U.S. Senate here.

July 27, 2006

Virginia Senate

Incumbent Republican Senator George Allen continues to draw support from a majority of Virginia voters in his bid for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

July 26, 2006

Arkansas Governor: Beebe (D) Still Leading, in Tighter Race

Our latest survey of Arkansas's gubernatorial race shows state Attorney General Mike Beebe (D) still in the lead, but no longer by the double-digit margin Rasmussen Reports noted in previous months.

July 26, 2006

Tennessee Senate: Corker (R) Strongest Against Ford (D)

With Tennessee's primary election coming up August 3, our new poll of the Senate race shows Republican Bob Corker drawing the strongest support when matched against Democrat Harold Ford.

July 26, 2006

Hillary Meter

Today’s Hillary Meter places Senator Clinton a net 52 points to the left of the nation's political center. Two weeks ago, she was 51 points to the left of center.

July 25, 2006

Polling Methodology: Job Approval Ratings

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it’s important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers. One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways.

July 25, 2006

Stem Cell Divide

President George W. Bush’s veto last week of legislation that would increase federal funding for embryonic stem cell research marked another milestone in the ongoing debate over the moral and political implications of this emerging field of research.

July 24, 2006

Texas Governor: Perry Back to 40%

The latest Rasmussen Reports election survey shows incumbent Governor Rick Perry (R) maintaining his lead over three opponents seeking his job.

July 24, 2006

Hutchison Holds Lead Over Radnofsky

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll of 500 likely Texas voters shows incumbent Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison further distancing herself from her Democratic challenger, Barbara Ann Radnofsky.

White letter R on blue background
July 24, 2006

Arkansas Governor: Beebe (D) Still Leading, in Tighter Race

Our latest survey of Arkansas's gubernatorial race shows state Attorney General Mike Beebe (D) still in the lead, but no longer by the double-digit margin Rasmussen Reports noted in previous months. Beebe now bests former Congressman Asa Hutchinson (D) 47% to 40%. In April and May, Beebe was leading by 11 points.

July 23, 2006

Connecticut Governor: Rell by 22%+

Suspense-wise, the gubernatorial race in Connecticut is proving the mirror image of the pitched battle for U.S. Senate here.

July 23, 2006

Connecticut Senate Primary: Lieberman Lagging

Battered by slings and arrows from fellow Democrats, Senator Joseph Lieberman now lags ten points behind the man challenging him for the Democratic nomination. The latest Rasmussen Reports poll of Connecticut’s Democratic Primary shows Ned Lamont leading Lieberman 51% to 41%.

July 23, 2006

Connecticut Senate: Lieberman Neck and Neck With Lamont

Support for Senator Joe Lieberman (D) is plummeting in Connecticut. Just last month he mustered a fifteen-point lead over Ned Lamont in a projected three-way general election contest (with Lamont as the Democrat and Lieberman as an Independent).

July 20, 2006

Middle East: Hezbollah to Blame for Current Strife, 56% Say

A week into the renewed violence between Israel and Lebanon triggered by the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers, 56% of Americans say that Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah is to blame for the conflict.

July 20, 2006

Wyoming Senate: Thomas by 27

Despite some gains made by Democratic challenger Dale Groutage, incumbent Republican Senator Craig Thomas maintains his lead in Wyoming’s U.S. Senate race according to the most recent Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely voters.

July 20, 2006

Wisconsin Governor: Doyle’s Delicate Lead Holds in Gov. Race

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely voters, incumbent Gov. Jim Doyle (D) continues to enjoy a narrow lead over his Republican challenger, Congressman Mark Green, 47% to 41%. Doyle’s numbers remain unchanged from the last survey in April while Green’s have seen a two-point drop.

July 19, 2006

Traditional Views of Marriage Tops in Voters' Minds

Look up the word marriage in The American Heritage Dictionary and the first entry reads “the legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.”

July 18, 2006

Rhode Island Senate: Chafee Now Trailing by 5

It doesn't look good for Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee, whose support has gone from bad to worse in the latest Rasmussen Reports election poll of Rhode Island's U.S. Senate race.

July 18, 2006

Rhode Island Governor: Carcieri, Fogarty Still in Dead Heat

Things aren't getting any better for Rhode Island's top Republican incumbents. Gaining a couple points since June hasn't helped Governor Donald Carcieri (R) gain traction in the competitive gubernatorial race.

July 17, 2006

Maryland Senate: Steele Catching Up

Democratic Congressman Ben Cardin still leads Republican Lt. Governor Michael Steele, but no longer by double digits in this tightening race.