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September 12, 2006

CA: Schwarzenegger by 8

In California's competitive gubernatorial race, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger now leads Democratic challenger Phil Angelides 47% to 39%.

September 12, 2006

WA Senator: Cantwell’s Lead Up 11-Points

Incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell now leads Republican challenger Mike McGavick 52% to 35%. She led by six in the previous poll.

September 11, 2006

WV Senate: Byrd With 33 Point Lead

After garnering support levels in the high 50s for the last several months, Democratic Senator Robert Byrd has pierced the 60% threshold in our polling to now lead Republican John Raese 63% to 30%.

September 11, 2006

On 5th Aniversary of 9/11, 21% say U.S. Has Changed for the Better

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, 57% thought the nation had changed for the better. That number actually grew to 61% by January 2002. Now, half a decade later, just 21% of American adults hold that optimistic view.

September 10, 2006

SC Governor: Sanford's Lead Holding

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R) now leads State Senator Tommy
Moore (D) 51% to 38%.

September 8, 2006

AK Governor: Palin by 14

Coming off the heels of her pronounced victory in the Republican primary against incumbent Frank Murkowski, Sarah Palin (R) is readily handling her next round of competition.

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September 8, 2006

Senate Balance of Power - September 8, 2006

The Tennessee Senate race is getting closer and Rasmussen Reports now classifies the Corker-Ford race as a “Toss-Up.”

September 7, 2006

Hillary Meter: 41% See Clinton as Politically Liberal

According to public perceptions, Senator Hillary Clinton has moved 5 points closer to the nation's political center over the past two weeks. The latest Hillary Meter finds that 41% now label the former First Lady as politically liberal.

September 7, 2006

TN Senate: Ford Within 1

The latest Rasmussen Reports election survey shows U.S. Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. closing in on Bob Corker in what has become one of the country’s marquee Senate races.

September 7, 2006

TN Governor: Bredesen by 27

Incumbent Gov. Phil Bredesen has no worries as he heads into his November re-election. The latest Rasmussen Reports election survey shows Bredesen firmly in the lead over Republican State Sen. Jim Bryson, 58% to 31%.

September 7, 2006

MI Senate: Stabenow by 8

Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow has widened the distance between herself and Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. The incumbent now leads 51% to 43%.

September 7, 2006

MI Governor: It's Now DeVos by 2

Michigan's edge-of-the-seat battle for Governor remains as competitive as ever, with Republican challenger Dick DeVos now edging out Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm 48% to 46%.

September 6, 2006

NJ Senate: Kean Retakes Lead

Republican State Senator Tom Kean Jr., son of the former NJ Governor, again leads Democratic Senator Bob Menendez in New Jersey's race for U.S. Senate.

September 6, 2006

OK Governor: Henry by 21

Incumbent Brad Henry is firmly in control of his bid for a second term as Oklahoma’s governor. The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll shows Henry leading his Republican challenger, U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook, 54% to 33%.

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September 6, 2006

Senate Balance of Power - September 6, 2006

Based upon our latest poll in New Jersey Rasmussen Reports is shifting the Garden State Senate race from “Leans Democrat” to “Toss-Up.” This reduces the number of states in the Democrat or Leans Democrat categories to 45. Fifty Senate seats are favored to remain in GOP hands while 5 are now in the Toss-Up category.

September 5, 2006

RI Governor: Fogarty by 5

In a race that was a dead heat at 43% in early August, Lt. Governor Charles Fogarty (D) has jumped in front with a five-point lead. The Democrat now leads incumbent Governor Donald Carcieri (R ) 46% to 41%.

September 5, 2006

FL Governor: Crist (R) 45%; Davis (D) 41%

As Florida's September 5 primaries approach, the Rasmussen Reports election poll shows Republican Attorney General Charles Crist narrowly leading Democratic Congressman Jim Davis 45% to 41% when voters consider a general election match-up.

September 5, 2006

RI Senate: Whitehouse (D) 44%; Chafee 42%

Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee (R ) has pulled to within two points of challenger Sheldon Whitehouse in his bid for re-election.

September 5, 2006

FL Senate: Nelson Still Stomping Harris

Much-beleaguered Republican Congresswoman Katherine Harris remains the prohibitive favorite to become her party's candidate for U.S. Senate on September 5.

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September 5, 2006

Senate Balance of Power - September 5, 2006

Based upon our latest poll in Rhode Island , Rasmussen Reports is shifting that state’s Senate race from “Leans Democrat” to “Toss-Up.”