2008 Democratic Presidential Primary
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) remains atop the field for the Democratic Presidential nomination as she has since the race began.
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) remains atop the field for the Democratic Presidential nomination as she has since the race began.
Former Vice President Al Gore (D) received a warm welcome on Capitol Hill last week for his testimony on the environment and Global Warming. However, while he is now an Academy Award winner and celebrity activist, just 24% of Americans consider Gore an expert on Global Warming.
Fred Thompson, a movie star turned U.S. Senator turned TV star, has been publicly considering entering the 2008 Presidential Sweepstakes to fill what some see as a void in the Republican Primary field.
Half of Americans say they trust Democrats more than Republicans to handle the situation in Iraq.
Valerie Plame, the CIA operative whose leaked identity unleashed a Special Prosecutor and led to the indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby for perjury and obstructing justice, is viewed favorably by 34% of American voters.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of American voters believe Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should resign.
Arizona Senator John McCain (R) leads New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) 48% to 41% in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll on the 2008 Presidential campaign.
For the second straight month, Arizona Senator John McCain (R) and Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) are tied in a Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) leads Arizona Senator John McCain (R) by eighteen points in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination.
A few days after Democratic Senator Chris Dodd announced he is running for president, a survey shows the senator trailing Republican candidate Rudolph Giuliani 39% to 44%.
If former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) is on the 2008 ballot for President, 50% of that nation’s Likely Voters way they will definitely vote against him.
The race for the Democratic Presidential nomination is getting a bit tighter. Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) has closed to within five points of the frontrunner—Senator Hillary Clinton.
The rapidly growing news story surrounding the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys has driven up the unfavorable ratings of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) now leads former North Carolina Senator John Edwards 48% to 41% in an Election 2008 Presidential match-up.
The Drudge Report attracts one of the largest audiences of any media outlet in the world and has become a fixture in the pop culture of politics and news.
Eight percent (8%) of American voters say it’s Very Likely that Vice President Dick Cheney will resign from office before his term expires.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) leading New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) 49% to 41% in an early Election 2008 match-up.
If you’re a fan of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) you probably can’t believe all the good news surrounding the Presidential hopeful.
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) and Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) continue to lead former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) in the early stages of Election 2008.
Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman (R) knows he is high on the Democrats’ wish list this cycle and the first Rasmussen Reports Senate poll for Election 2008 shows the incumbent starting off below the 50% level of support.