Florida: Giuliani 22% Thompson 21%
The Republican Presidential Primary in Florida is looking a lot like the race nationally.
The Republican Presidential Primary in Florida is looking a lot like the race nationally.
In the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination, New York Senator Hillary Clinton holds a 31 percentage point lead in the Florida primary.
The first survey by Rasmussen Reports of Ron Paul's presidential candidacy shows him trailing Hillary Clinton by fifteen points and Barack Obama by twenty.
On the surface, the race for the Republican nomination appears to have stabilized in recent weeks.
As the Democratic Presidential candidates gather for yet another debate—this time in Charleston, South Carolina—some may be wondering if it’s worth the effort.
Only three of ten leading Presidential candidates can count on base support from at least 25% of voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll found that 29% would definitely vote for Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) if he is on the ballot in 2008.
In the final poll of a series measuring perceptions of media bias, the Associated Press, local television stations, MSNBC, and CNBC are all perceived as tilting to the left when reporting the news.
While most Americans say the government should do more to combat poverty, most also say that it’s too easy for people to receive welfare payments in the United States.
Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) is struggling in the race for his party’s Presidential nomination, but he holds a solid lead over several leading Republican candidates in general election match-ups.
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey found that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is viewed favorably by 27% of American voters.
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows Barack Obama (D) leading Mitt Romney (R) by nine percentage points, 47% to 38%.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of American voters say the government is doing too little to combat poverty in this nation.
The Senate today narrowly turned back a Democratic proposal mandating troop withdrawals from Iraq.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll finds Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) with a nine point lead over Arizona Senator John McCain (R).
Thirty-eight percent (38%) of American adults believe that the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq will make the U.S. less safe than it is today.
A new survey shows leading GOP contender Mayor Rudy Giuliani leading third-tier Democratic hopeful Joseph Biden 46% to 37%.
Even on Taxes, traditionally a political strong point for the GOP, voters continue to trust Democrats more than Republicans.
A national telephone survey conducted over the seven days ending July 15 shows no changes at the top of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. For the second straight week, New York Senator Hillary Clinton remains the clear frontrunner.
A survey shows former Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani are still neck and neck in the race for of the Republican Presidential nomination.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of American voters say that the United States should wait for the September progress report before making major policy changes in Iraq.