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Toplines - SVB Takeover - March 14-16, 2023

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National Survey of 972 U.S. Likely Voters
Conducted March 14-16, 2023
By Rasmussen Reports


1* The federal government recently intervened to take over the Silicon Valley Bank. Do you approve or disapprove of the federal government’s takeover of Silicon Valley Bank?


22% Strongly approve

25% Somewhat approve

16% Somewhat disapprove

24% Strongly disapprove

13% Not sure


2* How likely is it that the Silicon Valley Bank takeover will result in taxpayer money being used to bail out wealthy investors?


43% Very likely

24% Somewhat likely

16% Not very likely

  7% Not at all likely

  9% Not sure


3* How likely is it that political considerations influenced the Biden administration’s decision-making in regard to Silicon Valley Bank?


45% Very likely

21% Somewhat likely

16% Not very likely

  8% Not at all likely

11% Not sure


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence