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Toplines - NUSA August 2024 Michigan

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National Survey of 1,093 Michigan Likely Voters
Conducted August 13-17, 2024, by Rasmussen Reports and NumbersUSA


1.     Biden Approval


29% Strongly approve

19% Somewhat approve

20% Somewhat disapprove

29% Strongly disapprove

  1% Not sure


2.     2020 Vote

49% Biden

46% Trump

  3% Other

  3% Didn’t vote

  0% Not sure


3.      Likely 2024?

85% Very likely

12% Somewhat likely

  1% Not very likely

  1% Not at all likely

  1% Not sure


4.     If the 2024 presidential election was held today, and the main candidates were Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?


48% Harris

47% Trump

  3% Other

  2% Not sure


5.     If the 2024 candidates for president were Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel, West, Jill Stein and Chase Oliver, who would you vote for?


47% Harris

44% Trump

  4% Kennedy

  1% West

  1% Stein

  1% Oliver

        0% Other
        3% Not sure

Answered by 512 respondents who would vote for Kamala Harris:


6.     How enthusiastic are you about your vote for Kamala Harris, very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not very enthusiastic, or not at all enthusiastic?


71% Very enthusiastic

19% Somewhat enthusiastic

  6% Not very enthusiastic

  3% Not at all enthusiastic

        2% Not sure

Answered by 484 respondents who would vote for Donald Trump:


7.     How enthusiastic are you about your vote for Donald Trump, very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not very enthusiastic, or not at all enthusiastic?


72% Very enthusiastic

22% Somewhat enthusiastic

  3% Not very enthusiastic

  1% Not at all enthusiastic

  2% Not sure


8.     If the elections for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate or for the Republican candidate?


49% Democrat

45% Republican

  7% Not sure


9.     For senate, would you vote for Democrat Elissa Slotkin or Republican Mike Rogers??


45% Slotkin

43% Rogers

  3% Someone else

  9% Not sure


10.  Elissa Slotkin has received an F grade from the non-partisan think tank NumbersUSA for supporting illegal alien amnesty and votes against increased border security.  Does that make you more likely or less likely to support her?


24% More likely

44% Less likely

24% No difference

  8% Not sure


11.  When thinking about the elections for President, which of these is the most important to you?


  5% Not sure

  6% Violent crime

17% Border security

33% Economy

  8% Climate change

12% Abortion

  3% Global conflicts & war
  3% Education
10% Government corruption
  3% Other


12.  Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Kamala Harris?


35% Very favorable

17% Somewhat favorable

  6% Somewhat unfavorable

40% Very unfavorable

  2% Not sure


13.   Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Donald Trump?


32% Very favorable

16% Somewhat favorable

  6% Somewhat unfavorable

44% Very unfavorable

  2% Not sure


14.  Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of JD Vance?


17% Very favorable

70% Somewhat favorable

17% Somewhat unfavorable

70% Very unfavorable

17% Not sure


15.  Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Tim Walz?


29% Very favorable

15% Somewhat favorable

  9% Somewhat unfavorable

35% Very unfavorable

12% Not sure


16.  Importance of inflation when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.


62% Very important

25% Somewhat important

  8% Not very important

  2% Not at all important

  3% Not sure


17.  Importance of the economy when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.


68% Very important

24% Somewhat important

  5% Not very important

  1% Not at all important

  1% Not sure


18.  Importance of abortion when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.

50% Very important

22% Somewhat important

14% Not very important

12% Not at all important

  2% Not sure


19.  Importance of illegal immigration when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.


53% Very important

25% Somewhat important

15% Not very important

  5% Not at all important

  1% Not sure


20.  Importance of government corruption when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.


66% Very important

22% Somewhat important

  7% Not very important

  2% Not at all important

  2% Not sure


21.  Importance of education when considering who to vote for in the 2024 election.


58% Very important

30% Somewhat important

  8% Not very important

  2% Not at all important

  2% Not sure

22.  In general, have the immigration policies of the Biden administration been very successful, somewhat successful, somewhat unsuccessful or very unsuccessful?

 15% Very successful
  30% Somewhat successful
  11% Somewhat unsuccessful
  40% Very unsuccessful
    4% Not sure

23.   Would Kamala Harris’ immigration policies be better or worse than Joe Biden’s policies?

26% Better
          33% Worse
          30% About the same
          12% Not sure

24.    When thinking about Former President Donald Trump’s presidency, were his immigration policies very successful, somewhat successful, somewhat unsuccessful or very unsuccessful?

          37% Very successful
          19% Somewhat successful
         12% Somewhat unsuccessful
         28% Very unsuccessful
           4% Not sure

25.    Would Donald Trump’s immigration policies be better or worse than Joe Biden’s policies?

 48% Better
 36% Worse
 10% About the same
   6% Not sure

26.   On the question of illegal immigration, is the government doing too much or too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays?  Or is the level of action about, right?

   9% Too much
 61% Too little
 20% About right
10% Not sure

27.  Some people claim that the millions of illegal immigrants who have come to the U.S. in the last four years has created a severe shortage of housing, forcing rent prices and house price to rise. Do you agree or disagree

 35% Strongly agree
 21% Somewhat agree
 17% Somewhat disagree
 20% Strongly disagree
    8% Not sure

28.  Is the situation at the US-Mexico border a crisis?

59% Yes
28% No
12% Not sure

29.  How likely is it that the increased illegal immigration in the past few years was purposely allowed by the Biden administration?

43% Very likely
14% Somewhat likely
17% Not very likely
18% Not at all likely
 8% Not sure

30.  In general, would you support or oppose legislation to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and allow them to become permanent U.S. residents?

17% Strongly support
23% Somewhat support
17% Somewhat oppose
36% Strongly oppose
  7% Not sure

31.  Illegal immigration and border security are top issues for some Americans. Which aspect of illegal immigration and border security are most important to you?

32% Taxpayer resources going to immigrants here illegally
10% Wage stagnation or depression
22% Crime
5% Competition for working class jobs
10% Sanctuary cities protecting criminal illegal aliens
21% Not sure

32.  Would you support or oppose a policy of deporting all illegal aliens?

36% Strongly support
16% Somewhat support
18% Somewhat oppose
22% Strongly oppose
  7% Not sure

33.  If given a choice between two candidates, one of whom favored granting amnesty to illegal aliens and one of whom favored deporting all illegal aliens, which candidate would you vote for?

36% Amnesty candidate
49% Deportation candidate
15% Not sure

34.  In general, would you support or oppose legislation to give taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens?

7% Strongly support
18% Somewhat support
18% Somewhat oppose
48% Strongly oppose
  9% Not sure

35.  Do you support having sanctuary cities in your state?

13% Strongly support
20% Somewhat support
12% Somewhat oppose
41% Strongly oppose
14% Not sure

36.  Do you support or oppose legislation to implement E-Verify, which would make it harder for businesses to hire illegal aliens?

41% Strongly support
26% Somewhat support
12% Somewhat oppose
   8% Strongly oppose
13% Not sure        


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence