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Toplines - Heartland - CHEATING Combined July 2024

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Survey of 5,605 Battleground State Likely Voters (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, MI)

Conducted July 5-12, 2024, By Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute


1.     How likely are you to vote in the 2024 general election in November?


88%   Very likely

   9%   Somewhat likely

   2%   Not very likely

   0%   Not at all likely

   1%   Not sure


2.     How concerned are you that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election?


  38%   Very concerned

  24%   Somewhat concerned

  18%   Not very concerned

  18%   Not at all concerned

     2%   Not sure


3.     In the 2020 election, did you personally receive more than one official ballot in the mail or receive a ballot for someone who does not live at your address?


  20%   Yes

  73%   No

    7%   Not sure


4.     Who did you vote for in the 2020 Presidential Election? President Joe Biden or Former President Donald Trump?


  48%   Biden

  47%   Trump

    2%   Other

    2%   Didn’t vote

    1%   Not sure



Survey of 2,466 US Likely Voters

Conducted July 5-12, 2024, By Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute


1.   How likely are you to vote in the 2024 general election in November?


82%   Very likely

10%   Somewhat likely

   5%   Not very likely

   2%   Not at all likely

   2%   Not sure


2.   How concerned are you that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election?


  37%   Very concerned

  25%   Somewhat concerned

  20%   Not very concerned

  15%   Not at all concerned

     3%   Not sure


3.   In the 2020 election, did you personally receive more than one official ballot in the mail or receive a ballot for someone who does not live at your address?


  18%   Yes

  74%   No

    8%   Not sure


4.   Who did you vote for in the 2020 Presidential Election? President Joe Biden or Former President Donald Trump?


  48%   Biden

  45%   Trump

    3%   Other

    3%   Didn’t vote

    1%   Not sure



NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence