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Questions - IFC October 2024

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Survey of 1,653 Christian and Catholic American Adults
Conducted October 22-23, 2024

By Rasmussen Reports and the Institute for Faith and Culture


1.     Which of the following best describes your faith or religious affiliation?



2.     How often do you attend religious services?



3.     Are you currently married?


4.     Are there currently children under age 18 in your household?



5.     When did you begin practicing your religious beliefs?



6.     Are you currently a participating member of a church?



7.     Is the church you attend most frequently part of a large denomination?



8.      Are you happy with the leadership and direction of your church's denomination?



9.     Are you happy with the leadership and direction of the church you attend?



10.  Is the service you most frequently attend a contemporary service, or is it more traditional?



11.  Does your church or denomination allow women to be clergy?



12.  Does your church or denomination perform same sex marriages?



13.  In terms of determining the future of Americans and our country, how important is the 2024 presidential election?



14.  Which is closer to your thinking: that Christians need to get involved politically, or that Christians should stay out of politics?



15.  When general elections are held in the United States, how often do you vote?



16.  What method have you or do you plan to vote in this election?



17.  Who did you vote for in the 2020 Presidential Election? President Joe Biden or Former President Donald Trump?



18.  Are you going to vote in this November’s general elections?


19.  (Answered by the 8% of the sample who "will not vote" or are "not sure.") Why aren’t you planning to vote in the 2024 general election?



20.  If you will be participating in this election beyond just voting, which of the following best describes how you will be involved?



21.  If the elections for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?



22.  If the 2024 Presidential election were held today, and the candidates were Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?



23.  When thinking about the elections for President, which of these is the most important to you?



24.  Which issue is the most important one for the next president to solve, abortion rights, illegal immigration, rising prices, or protecting our democracy?



25.  Do you agree or disagree?  “Prayer can impact the outcome of this election.”



26.  When you think about this election, will your choice for President be made because you strongly support one candidate, or because you want to keep the other candidate from winning?



27.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “God is NOT concerned with how I vote?”



28.  When considering who to vote for, how important is it to apply Biblical truths to the candidates and issues?



29.  Which of the following has the most influence on how you will vote in this election?



30.  Do you agree or disagree?  “Prayer can impact the outcome of this election.”



31.  Generally speaking, on the issue of abortion, do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life?



32.  When thinking about the 2024 presidential candidates, which one more closely represents your opinions about abortion?



33.  Should abortion be legal up to:



34.  How concerned are you that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?



35.  Are you better off than you were four years ago?



36.  Will today’s children be better off than their parents?



37.  Do you trust the United States federal government?



38.  Who is the biggest enemy America currently faces, Iran, China, Russia, the Democrat party, the Republican party, or domestic extremists?



39.  How likely is it that America will experience another civil war or revolution in the next few years?



40.  Which candidate for president shows the most religious morals, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?



41.  How important is it to you that the President of the United States has religious morals?



42.  Which cable TV news channel would you be most likely to trust?  CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or Newsmax?



NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence