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February 22, 2008

Democrats and the Popular Vote: A Commentary by Rhodes Cook

As the closely fought Democratic presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama moves deeper and deeper into the primary season, there is a growing sentiment that the nomination should go to the candidate that ultimately wins the popular vote.

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February 22, 2008

For McCain and Obama, the Fighting Has Just Begun: A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

The presidential primary races have almost finished and the two current front runners for their respective parties have a striking similarity – they both have an appeal that extends beyond their party base.

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February 21, 2008

Our Man in Islamabad: An Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Overwhelming repudiation of President Pervez Musharraf by Pakistan's voters did not immediately dilute the Bush administration's support for him. On the contrary, the first election returns were barely in Monday night when the U.S. government began pressing victorious opposition leaders not to impeach the former military strongman.

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February 21, 2008

NAFTA Gets a Bum Rap: A Commentary by Froma Harrop

"NAFTA bad" has become Democratic shorthand to explain the misery spreading through America's industrial heartland.

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February 21, 2008

No "Straight Talk" on Iraq Cost: A Commentary by Joe Conason

As a presidential candidate, John McCain stands out not only for his vocal endorsement of the unpopular war in Iraq, but also because one of his own sons is a Marine Corps officer on active duty there. He supports the war, even at the price of his own career or the life of a child he loves.

February 21, 2008

It's Over: A Commentary by Lawrence Kudlow

Allow me a dose of hardened market realism concerning Barack Obama's landslide victory in Wisconsin. The race is over. Hillary Clinton is over. Her electability is over.

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February 20, 2008

What's in a Word?: A Commentary by Susan Estrich

Not much, in my experience, if you're a presidential candidate. The speechwriter gives the candidate the speech for the next stop on the flight. He marks it up, or not, and out come the words, like magic. Original means he's never said it before. Usually he has, albeit in a different way. Original doesn't mean he wrote it, but that he's the first one to say it.

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February 20, 2008

Michelle Obama's America -- and Mine: A Commentary by Michelle Malkin

Like Michelle Obama, I am a "woman of color." Like Michelle Obama, I am a working mother of two young children. Like Michelle Obama, I am a member of the 13th generation of Americans born since the founding of our great nation.

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February 19, 2008

Vaporous Obama Turns Off Many Centrists: A Commentary by Froma Harrop

Despite the hard contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, party leaders keep telling Democratic-leaning voters that they have two good candidates. They are right, but one of them may well be a Republican.

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February 18, 2008

Torts and Terrorism: An Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A closed-door caucus of House Democrats last Wednesday took a risky political course. By four to one, they instructed Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call President Bush's bluff on extending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to continue eavesdropping on suspected foreign terrorists. Rather than passing the bill with a minority of the House's Democratic majority, Pelosi obeyed her caucus and left town for a 12-day recess without renewing the government's eroding intelligence capability.

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February 17, 2008

Hillary Clinton Goofs Again: A Commentary by Dick Morris

Who was it that defined neurosis as repeating the same mistake again and again, and expecting a better outcome each time?

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February 16, 2008

Hillary's "McGovern" Problem: An Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Strategists for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign believe it is imperative to identify her high-flying opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, with the "McGovern wing" of the Democratic Party -- but they want to keep their candidate's fingerprints off the attack.

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February 16, 2008

A Super Fight Down the Road: A Commentary by Michael Barone

It's appropriate that our two major political parties are depicted as different animals. Forty days and forty nights out from the Iowa caucuses, the elephant and the donkey seem very different indeed. The Republicans have been split on attitudinal lines, between varying strains of conservatism and moderation.

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February 15, 2008

The Heat in the Kitchen: A Commentary by Susan Estrich

My friends who are also Hillary's friends, many of them classmates and fellow Wellesley women, keep e-mailing me about their concerns, not so much with the campaign, but with the outright meanness and hostility the media seem to be heaping on our friend.

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February 14, 2008

Remaking New Orleans: An Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

NEW ORLEANS -- The imposing presence of Robert A. Cerasoli as the city's first inspector general is the clearest sign that Hurricane Katrina's changes wrought on New Orleans in 2005 were not limited to physical devastation. By declaring war on municipal corruption, Cerasoli has signaled that life in the Big Easy no longer will be so easy.

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February 14, 2008

Schemes We Have Seen: A Commentary by Froma Harrop

During the push to privatize Social Security, the idea's foes were accused of not trusting the American people to manage their own money. The naysayers prevailed, and aren't we glad.

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February 14, 2008

In Defense of Conservative Talk Radio: A Commentary by Michelle Malkin

The most anti-conservative rhetoric against conservative talk radio these days is coming from supposedly free-market conservatives. It's disgusting.

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February 14, 2008

What's Waiting for Obama: A Commentary by Joe Conason

For the next month or so, the conservative valentines will arrive every day at the headquarters of Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

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February 14, 2008

The Case for McCain: A Commentary by Lawrence Kudlow

Some things in life are quite simple. Here's one of them: Sen. John McCain is going to be our next president.

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February 13, 2008

Why Hillary Will Lose: A Commentary by Dick Morris

Hillary Clinton has blown an almost sure shot at the Democratic presidential nomination. Having surrendered the lead to Obama, she is not likely ever to regain it.