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August 24, 2008

Renewing America's Promise Means Lots of Goodies By Debra Saunders

Democrats used to love to bash President Bush for sending America to war without asking Americans to sacrifice. Now that it is an election year, you won't hear the s-word coming out of their lips.

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August 23, 2008

The Chosen Obama Narrative By Michael Barone

Once upon a time, the two parties' national conventions chose presidential nominees. Now, they are television shows that try to establish a narrative -- one that links the long-since-determined nominee's life story with the ongoing history of the nation, one that shows how this one man is perfectly positioned to lead America to a better future. The hope is that the nominee will get a bounce in the polls.

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August 22, 2008

Courage By Susan Estrich

Political courage is not about standing up for what's easy and popular with the people who elect you. It's about standing up for what you believe in.

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August 21, 2008

Back-to-Back Conventions: The Great Unknown By Dick Morris

For the first time in memory, the two parties are holding their conventions right after one another. Within 72 hours of Obama's acceptance speech on the night of Aug. 28, in front of 75,000 adoring fans outdoors at Invesco Field, the Republican convention's opening gavel will come crashing down.

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August 21, 2008

Woe Is Me, Said the Democrat by Debra J. Saunders

In politics, everyone wants to be seen as a mudslinging virgin -- who, like King Lear, is "more sinned against than sinning." Toward that end, Democrats have crafted the conceit that Republicans are attack dogs, while Democratic candidates are not sufficiently ruthless. After years of calling President Bush every name in the book, the left nonetheless manages to see itself as the victim in the smear game.

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August 20, 2008

How the Convention Ball Bounces By Larry Sabato

Forget the Olympics. Political junkies are in the convention pre-season. As we approach the Democratic National Convention on August 25 to 28 and the Republican National Convention on September 1 to 4, analysts just want to know one thing: How big are the bounces?

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August 19, 2008

It's No Longer Just About Hillary By Froma Harrop

After hearing her name placed in nomination at the Democrats' convention next week, Hillary Clinton will no doubt urge her followers to support Barack Obama. What good that gesture will do for the Obama candidacy remains to be seen.

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August 16, 2008

Echoes of Berlin By Michael Barone

Last week, the two erstwhile communist superpowers were in the spotlight. Starting on Aug. 8, China staged the Olympics -- an event on the schedule for years. Also on Aug. 8, Russia invaded the independent republic of Georgia -- which apparently caught our government flatfooted.

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August 15, 2008

The Clinton Convention by Dick Morris

Hillary and Bill have hijacked the Denver convention, making it into a carbon copy of what it would have looked like had she won until the last possible moment. By the time Obama gets up to speak and put his stamp on the convention, Hillary will have had one prime time night all to herself. Bill will have pre-empted a second night. Hillary will have had all the nominating and seconding speeches she wants. And the roll call of the states would record, in graphic detail, how the voters of state after state rejected Obama’s candidacy in the primaries.

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August 14, 2008

A Cut-and-Paste Foreign Policy By Joe Conason

The discovery that John McCain's remarks on Georgia were derived from Wikipedia, to put it politely, is disturbing and even depressing -- but not surprising.

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August 14, 2008

Mark Penn and Hillary: Monkey See, Monkey Do By Dick Morris

On March 19, 2007, Mark Penn wrote a memo to Hillary Clinton saying: "Every speech should contain a line [saying that] you were born in the middle of America to a middle class family in the middle of the last century."

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August 14, 2008

The Democratic Ground Game: Can New Voters Make the Difference? By Justin M. Sizemore

From the time Barack Obama declared his candidacy for president, his campaign realized it would benefit from what came to be called the enthusiasm gap. "In most campaigns, it's a challenge to drag people out," Western States Field Director Buffy Wicks told a group of volunteer organizers gathered in San Francisco last summer.

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August 14, 2008

Dry Eyes Follow Edwards' Downfall By Froma Harrop

It's hard to recall a political burial as fast and cold as that of John Edwards. After all, the former North Carolina senator had been a serious contender for president until a few months ago and possibly for VP until last week. Had his cheesy affair not surfaced, he would have commanded a choice speaking slot at the Democrats' convention.

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August 14, 2008

Going for the Bronze By Rhodes Cook

When political reporters run low on topics to write about, they often turn their attention to third parties--the "lovable losers" of American politics. They never win at the presidential level but often are called upon to add color to campaigns that are sometimes badly in need of it.

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August 13, 2008

Howard's End: A Commentary By Susan Estrich

You can blame John Edwards for a lot of things, but the last thing anyone should be blaming him for is the nomination of Barack Obama.

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August 12, 2008

McCain and Lieberman: Perfect Together By Dick Morris

John McCain has zero charisma. Next to the excitement of Obama, he looks like an old man defending the status quo. Ironically, his career has embodied exactly the opposite. He is what Obama symbolizes – a person who rises above party, confronts the special interests, and wants to change the way Washington works.

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August 12, 2008

Sex, etc. and the City; A Commentary By Froma Harrop

I'm not a big fan of the nanny society's limits on freedom, except when I am. That's the dilemma for me, and for everyone.

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August 10, 2008

The Ghosts of Political Leanings By Michael Barone

To understand changes in the political map, we naturally tend to look for contemporary explanations. But American political alignments are not written on an empty slate. Beginnings matter, and the civic personalities of states tend to reflect the cultural folkways of their first settlers.

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August 7, 2008

A Nation of Whiners? Perhaps By Froma Harrop

You won't hear me straining to defend Phil Gramm, the Texas Republican whose penchant for grating commentary sunk his 1996 bid for the presidency before the New Hampshire primary. It was really just a matter of time before the former senator, serving as John McCain's economic advisor, put his foot in it: Gramm opined that Americans complaining about the economy were "whiners."

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August 7, 2008

His Drilling Plan Full of Holes By Joe Conason

Touring America's oilrigs and nuclear plants, John McCain sometimes sounds as if he'll produce enough wind to power the nation all by himself. So strongly does his current rhetoric smell of methane -- the gas emanating from manure -- that he might even qualify for an alternative energy tax incentive.