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July 28, 2009

Pot Could Be Gold for California By Froma Harrop

The popular TV series "Weeds" is about a widowed suburban mother who deals pot to preserve her family's cushy California dream. Not a few Californians would like to see the theme writ large for their state. California has legalized medical marijuana, its cannabis crop is valued at $17 billion a year, and people there smoke pot openly. But the state can't collect a penny of revenues from the enormous enterprise.

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July 27, 2009

Stumbling Governors Signal Trouble for Dems By Michael Barone

With polls showing a drop in Barack Obama's job rating and sinking support for the Democrats' health care plans, there is evidence of collateral damage where you might not expect to find it: in the standing of Democratic governors. Pennsylvania's Ed Rendell suddenly is getting negative job ratings in both the Quinnipiac University and the Franklin & Marshall College polls -- his lowest marks in seven years as governor.

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July 26, 2009

It Won't Cost Anything! -- And It Won't Change Anything By Debra Saunders

In May, President Obama touted $17 billion in cuts he had planned for a budget of more than $3 trillion. Obama was quite proud of these cuts. Really. He told reporters that while $17 billion in cuts was considered "trivial" inside the beltway, "outside of Washington, that's still considered a lot of money."

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July 25, 2009

Help Wanted. Not. By Susan Estrich

I got my first job when I was 15. Before that, I baby-sat, did piece work for a leather company that didn't care how old you were and worked at a dusty day camp.

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July 24, 2009

Obama's Dwindling Power By Dick Morris

Superficially, the United States appears to have a presidential system, but in fact it more and more resembles a parliamentary form of government.

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July 24, 2009

Stocks Surge as Obamacare Implodes By Lawrence Kudlow

Hate to say it but Obama’s disastrous press conference last night is a big contributor to today’s roaring stock market. The Dow opened strong and is now up over 200 points, continuing a very bullish rally that is breaking new high ground for shares this year.

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July 24, 2009

Blue Dogs: The Special Interest Pets By Joe Conason

"Fiscal conservative" is one of those terms used by politicians of all sorts to describe themselves, without any real justification. Parroted mindlessly from one news cycle to the next by major media outlets, that phrase is often used to mislead the public about the priorities and policies favored by those who claim to embody budgetary prudence.

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July 24, 2009

Boxer and Feinstein Play Military Hawks By Debra J. Saunders

In a speech to the Economic Club of Chicago this month, Department of Defense Secretary Robert Gates laid out the case for discontinuing the F-22 Raptor: "The F-22, to be blunt, does not make much sense anyplace else in the spectrum of conflict." In English that means that plane has not been used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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July 24, 2009

The Virginia Gubernatorial Election: Clues from the Past By Rhodes Cook

It is often said that the past is prologue. In that regard, this year's gubernatorial candidates in Virginia--Democrat Creigh Deeds and Republican Bob McDonnell--share a bit of common history. They ran against each other for state attorney general in 2005, a race that ended as one of the closest statewide elections in Virginia history. Following a recount, McDonnell emerged the winner by a margin of just 360 votes out of nearly 2 million cast.

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July 23, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Health Reform By Froma Harrop

It's high noon on health care reform. Time to identify the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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July 23, 2009

A Month of Gloomy Thursdays for Health Care Plan By Michael Barone

Thursday is the day things tend to come to a boil on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress have been in town for three or four days; they're planning their exits on Friday to meet other commitments; they've had a chance to talk and meet with one another and sample the moods of their colleagues.

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July 23, 2009

Is Bernanke Wise Enough to Exit? By Lawrence Kudlow

Fed head Ben Bernanke went before Congress this week with his midyear update on monetary policy and the economy.

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July 22, 2009

Mother Knows Best By Susan Estrich

The president is "not familiar" with the bill. No one can explain how it will work yet, as Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., told a contentious town meeting. There are various plans, and negotiations are still in the early stages.

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July 22, 2009

Beware of Comprehensive Health Care Reform By Tony Blankley

I was listening to National Public Radio's morning "news" Monday on the way to work, during which the newsperson read the apparently "factual" statement that the United States is the only developed country that does not provide "comprehensive" health care coverage.

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July 21, 2009

Truly Greasing the State Budget By Debra J. Saunders

Sacramento is so desperate to erase the state budget's $26.3 billion shortfall that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic Legislature seem poised to end decades of prohibition so that they can tap new revenue from a widely occurring natural resource -- one dear to many Californians and known for its unmistakable aroma.

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July 21, 2009

The Logic of a Locavore By Froma Harrop

"Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008," read the headline in Mother Jones magazine. You can imagine the snark that followed.

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July 20, 2009

Britain and United States Go in Different Directions By Michael Barone

Once upon a time, British and American politics seemed to operate in tandem. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan came to office, both supposedly little experienced and out of the mainstream, at about the same time.

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July 19, 2009

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot -- Period By Debra J. Saunders

Last weekend, the New York Times reported that after 9/11, the CIA developed a "secret counterterrorism program" to train hit squads to kill top al-Qaida leaders. It seemed like good news to me. After all, why bankroll an intelligence agency if you can't use it to kill an enemy against whom America has declared war?

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July 17, 2009

Summer in Washington By Susan Estrich

The stimulus program must really be succeeding in Washington, D.C. Government is hiring; people are working. In fact, if news reports are to be believed, they're working night and day. So maybe there's some sleep deprivation thrown in for good measure. And don't forget the legendary heat and humidity that made service in the nation's Capitol hazardous before the advent of air conditioning.

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July 17, 2009

The Price of Leaving the Details to Congress By Michael Barone

"Never let a crisis go to waste," Barack Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said last November. The crisis he referred to was economic: the financial collapse and the rapidly deepening recession. The opportunity it presented, for Obama and Emanuel, was to vastly expand the size and scope of the federal government through cap-and-trade and health-care legislation.