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Commentary by Michael Barone

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October 11, 2024

What the Census Can Tell Us About Swing States By Michael Barone

Jonathan Draeger, reporter for RealClearPolitics, wrote Tuesday that "the 2024 presidential contest couldn't be tighter." Unless, of course, it turns out not to be nearly as close as this season's run of polls suggests it is.

October 4, 2024

The Vice Presidential Debate May Matter By Michael Barone

Vice presidential debates don't matter, we have been assured over and over. No one votes for vice president or a presidential nominee for her or his choice of running mate. You can go back and look at snap polls taken after past vice presidential debates and find basically zero correlation with the final election results.

September 27, 2024

The Harris Campaign Might Need to Change Its Strategy By Michael Barone

In my time as a political consultant, I observed that carrying out a campaign strategy was surprisingly simple. You settled on a basic strategy, emphasizing the candidate's strong points on issues and character, framing the election in terms favorable to most voters. Then you just carried it out.

September 20, 2024

Voters Don't Want Harris' or Trump's Campaign Policies By Michael Barone

Neither Vice President Kamala Harris nor former President Donald Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday's front page, has any proposals to cut the rapidly increasing national debt. Instead, both are proposing to hand out goodies to strategically positioned voters.

September 13, 2024

Kamala Harris Won the Debate, But Maybe Not the Election By Michael Barone

When I was in the polling business many years ago, our reports always started with the mood of the electorate, whether things were moving in the right direction or seriously off on the wrong track, then moved to two sections on character and issues.

September 6, 2024

What If Trump Runs Ahead of His Poll Numbers -- Again? By Michael Barone

As I try to understand public opinion in yet another presidential election year with former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, I see an anomaly.

August 30, 2024

Lots of Tumult and Little Bounce This Election Year By Michael Barone

What if they held a tumultuous election, with an early one-sided debate, a candidate substitution and third-party withdrawal, and no voters changed their minds? Well, that's not exactly what has happened in America's 60th presidential election year, but it's not so far off, either.

August 23, 2024

The White College Graduates' Party's Candidate Doesn't Know Economic History By Michael Barone

Learning isn't necessarily cumulative. Human experience over the centuries provides lessons, some clearer than others. But each generation has to learn lessons anew, and some do not.

August 16, 2024

Who's for the First Amendment -- and Who's Against By Michael Barone

"There's a lot of opposition to just hearing what President Trump has to say," Elon Musk said at the beginning of his two-hour interview on X with the 45th and would-be 47th president.

August 9, 2024

The Symmetrical Vice Presidential Picks: Polarized Politics Continues By Michael Barone

   There is an uncanny symmetry in the two presidential candidates' choice of vice presidential running mates. There are a few superficial differences -- Republican J.D. Vance is 40, Democrat Tim Walz 60. Vance is bearded, Walz balding.

August 2, 2024

The 'White Dudes for Harris' Zoom Call Was ... Weird By Michael Barone

Monday night's "White Dudes for Harris" Zoom call, with some 90,000 registered to participate, was surely a landmark in political history. Nearly 200 years ago, when the Democratic Party was being formed to elect and reelect Andrew Jackson, the entire American electorate, with exceptions, such as Black New Englanders, property-owning Black New Yorkers, and New Jersey widows, was made up of "white dudes."

July 26, 2024

Facing the Consequences of Presidents Choosing Their Successors By Michael Barone

The astonishing political events of the last four weeks make plain, once again, how much of America's history depends on what voters have come to accept as the choice of one person: each presidential nominee's choice of a vice presidential candidate. Even as the nomination process was expanded, half a century ago, to include millions of primary voters, the choice of the vice presidential nominee has devolved from smoke-filled rooms of bosses who represented large constituencies to the choice of a single person.

July 19, 2024

Echoes of History in This Year's Campaign By Michael Barone

For those of a certain age, or with more than a woke education, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump brings back echoes of history.

July 12, 2024

Our Monarchical Presidency By Michael Barone

   Fourteen days after his disastrous debate, President Joe Biden is still in the race for reelection. Multiple elected Democrats, New York Times editorial writers and columnists, and Democratic Party megadonors -- "elites," sneers the perceptive David Dayen -- have called on him to step aside. A secret ballot of congressional Democrats, the procedure under which they choose their own party leaders, would surely go against Biden, probably by a wide margin.

June 28, 2024

COVID-19: Another Fail-Safe Institution Proves Not So Safe By Michael Barone

Between 1998 and 2003, the budget of the National Institutes of Health was doubled. This was an extraordinary enterprise after the multi-year, post-Cold War decline in defense spending and at a time when government agency budgets tended to be increased marginally or carried over from previous years.

June 21, 2024

The Numbers Show Voters Don't Want an Eight-Year Presidency By Michael Barone

Four weeks after former President Donald Trump's conviction in a much-criticized Manhattan prosecution and a week before the first and earliest-ever scheduled post-primary presidential debate, it's a good time to look at how these two unusually elderly and oft-reviled candidates stand in the contest.

June 14, 2024

European 'Far Right' Issues a Stinging Rebuke to Elites By Michael Barone

"The far right made big gains in European elections," reads the Associated Press headline on last week's European Parliament elections. Lest you wonder why you should dread gains by the "far right," the lead sentence of the article notes that the EU has "roots in the defeat of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy."

June 7, 2024

Using a 'Sham Case' to Undermine Democracy By Michael Barone

"A sham case, and everyone knows it." So writes the iconoclastic Matt Taibbi, once counted as a left-wing writer, and he's not the only one from outside MAGA precincts who has been appalled by the Manhattan district attorney's case that produced a guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump.

May 31, 2024

Why Doesn't the Biden White House Ditch Its Unpopular Border Policy? By Michael Barone

For three and a half years, the Biden White House has seemed remarkably leakproof. Even amid popular backlash to administration policies -- the spending splurge in 2021 that was followed by sharp inflation in 2022 and 2023, the changes in enforcement of immigration laws that have produced numbers of incoming illegal immigrants unmatched even in border boom periods in the 1980s and '90s, and the endorsement of policies allowing biological men to compete in women's sports -- top officials have stuck to talking points and avoided finger-pointing.

May 24, 2024

Biden Not Fooling Voters on Economy By Michael Barone

If you want to explain to a puzzled, left-leaning writer like The Atlantic's Annie Lowrey why most voters this year rate the economy during former President Donald Trump's term more favorably than the economy during President Joe Biden's, you might start with a pair of simple charts.