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Commentary By John Stossel

Most Recent Releases

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December 21, 2016

Close Them Down! By John Stossel

Donald Trump is appointing good people -- Andy Puzder, for example, Trump's nominee for labor secretary.   

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December 14, 2016

Skating to Freedom by John Stossel

My last Fox Business Network TV show airs Friday.

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December 7, 2016

A Strong Leader By John Stossel

President-elect Donald Trump's first decisions were exciting. His new team seems to include good people like Betsy DeVos, Andy Puzder and Paul Atkins.   

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November 30, 2016

Drain the Swamp! By John Stossel

President-elect Trump says he's uniquely qualified to "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C. He can do it, he said at one debate, because as a businessman, he understands American cronyism. "With Hillary Clinton, I said, 'Be at my wedding,' and she came to my wedding. You know why? She had no choice because I gave."    

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November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Tragedy By John Stossel

Tomorrow, as you celebrate the meal the Pilgrims ate with Indians, pause a moment to thank private property.    

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November 2, 2016

The Rest of Your Ballot By John Stossel

The presidency isn't the only choice next week. There are more issues than "Who's worse, Trump or Clinton?"

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October 26, 2016

The Ruling Class by John Stossel

America is often described as a society without the Old World's aristocracy. Yet we still have people who feel entitled to boss the rest of us around. The "elite" media, the political class, Hollywood and university professors think their opinions are obviously correct, so they must educate us peasants.

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October 19, 2016

A Better Choice by John Stossel

Hillary Clinton is a manipulative, power-mad liar.

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October 13, 2016

Mixed Signals In The Race For The House by Kyle Kondik

This may be a particularly bad time to write an update on the House. But we’re going to do so anyway, if only to explain why that is.

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October 12, 2016

What Candidates Won't Say By John Stossel

Catch politicians in private moments and you might hear what they really believe: Donald Trump "can do anything" to women because he's powerful. Hillary Clinton's "private" positions aren't the same as her "public" ones.

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October 5, 2016

Admiring Foreign Leaders By John Stossel

Asked on a TV show to name a foreign leader he admires, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson choked. He couldn't produce a name. He said he had "a brain freeze." The media pounced.   

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September 28, 2016

The Debate I Heard By John Stossel

Something's wrong with me.

I watched Monday's presidential debate. But what I heard was different from what Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton seemed to say.

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September 21, 2016

Supreme Court Picks By John Stossel

Hillary Clinton and her fellow progressives shout things like "Health care is a right!" They've also said that education, decent housing and child care are "rights."    

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September 13, 2016

Sausage Party Politics By John Stossel

Seth Rogen, co-writer, co-producer and co-star of the animated comedy "Sausage Party," is unhappy with me -- for defending him.

His movie was attacked by some online commentators for using ethnic and sexual stereotypes, as cartoons often do. What was remarkable is how incensed some people get over a cartoon, even one about talking food.

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September 7, 2016

Free Speech By John Stossel

Donald Trump tells reporters, "We're going to have people sue you like you never got sued before."    

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August 31, 2016

Neither Dictator nor King By John Stossel

It was refreshing to moderate a "town hall" with the Libertarian presidential and vice presidential candidates last week because Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld respect limits on presidential power.   

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August 24, 2016

Libertarian Town Hall By John Stossel

Vote for Donald Trump? No! Hillary Clinton? No!    

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August 17, 2016

Vice Presidential Prospects By John Stossel

We've heard nonstop criticism of both the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates -- for good reasons. So are their running mates any better?

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August 10, 2016

Lies Politicians Tell By John Stossel

I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president. She's a liar.

But I can't vote for Donald Trump. He lies almost as often.

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August 3, 2016

Beyond Two Evils By John Stossel

Many people dislike both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton -- for good reason: Both are power-hungry threats to democracy and rule of law.