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Commentary By John Stossel

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July 11, 2018

Dads Needed By John Stossel

Warren Farrell was once considered a feminist leader. He hung around with Gloria Steinem and wrote about why men and women should break out of rigid old gender roles.    

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July 4, 2018

One Nation, Many Individuals By John Stossel

We celebrate the Fourth of July because that's the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, 242 years ago. You might call July 4 America's birthday.

The Declaration didn't just declare our independence from Britain; it vowed to create a government that respected all people's rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

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June 27, 2018

Shut Up, They Explain By John Stossel

I'm not surprised that mobs shriek at Trump administration officials in restaurants and that Maxine Waters wants more of that. I've watched this happen at American colleges.

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June 20, 2018

Chinese Big Brother By John Stossel

Upset because Facebook and Google invade your privacy? Be glad you don't live in China.

Facebook and other Western apps are banned there. The government views their openness as a threat. So the Chinese use platforms like WeChat and Alibaba.

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June 13, 2018

Patriarchy Defender By John Stossel

"Shame on you! Shame on you!" chanted protestors after psychology professor Jordan Peterson said he'd refuse to obey a law that would require everyone to call people by the pronoun they prefer -- pronouns like "ze" instead of "he" or "she."

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June 6, 2018

Crony Developments By John Stossel

"Are you on the take?"

When I tried to get Edgewater, New Jersey, politicians to answer that question, the mayor wouldn't discuss it, ultimately telling me, "You may sit down."

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May 30, 2018

Against Higher Education By John Stossel

Today, all Americans are told, "Go to college!"   

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May 23, 2018

The Innocence Project By John Stossel

On TV crime shows like "CSI," "NCIS" and "Law & Order," science gets the bad guys.

In real life, "science" often ensnares the innocent.

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May 16, 2018

Amazon Fights Back By John Stossel

Seattle is worried about the well-being of the poor and mentally ill people living there, so it's going to drive businesses out of town.   

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May 9, 2018

Hating DeVos By John Stossel

People hate Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

When she spoke at the Kennedy School of Government, students held up signs calling her a "white supremacist."

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May 2, 2018

Propaganda Networks By John Stossel

Why does American journalist Abby Martin report for media run by socialist murderers?    

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April 25, 2018

Teachers With Guns By John Stossel

What should be done about school shootings?

After the horrible shooting in Parkland, Florida, President Trump suggested that some teachers carry guns. "We need to let people know, you come in to our schools -- you're gonna be dead."

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April 18, 2018

Hidden Taxes By John Stossel

The cable bill was the last straw, says Kristin Tate. "That's the one that really made me mad."

Comcast included $36 in charges for mysterious things like "utility tax" and "government access fee."

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April 11, 2018

War on Science By John Stossel

We've been told conservatives don't believe in science and that there's a "Republican war on science."   

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April 4, 2018

Poisonous Taxes By John Stossel

Soda will cost you more in Philadelphia, Seattle, Boulder, Colorado, and a bunch of California cities because politicians in those places voted to tax it.    

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March 28, 2018

The Red Pill By John Stossel

In the movie "The Matrix," swallowing a red pill reveals the truth, while downing a blue pill leaves you trapped in illusion.

Today, in the parlance of some political activists, "taking the red pill" means seeing the lies of mainstream media -- and learning the truth.

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March 21, 2018

Climate Exit By John Stossel

President Trump's pick to be the new secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, is not a fan of the Paris climate agreement, the treaty that claims it will slow global warning by reducing the world's carbon dioxide emissions. Politicians from most of the world's nations signed the deal, and President Obama said "we may see this as the moment that we finally decided to save our planet."

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March 14, 2018

Lies About Trade By John Stossel

Maybe Donald Trump is such a powerful communicator and pot-stirrer that other countries, embarrassed by their own trade barriers, will eliminate them.

Then I will thank the president for the wonderful thing he did. Genuine free trade will be a recipe for wonderful economic growth.

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March 7, 2018

No Trade Barriers By John Stossel

No, President Trump, it's not true that if you tax imported steel, we "will have protection for the first time in a long while."

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February 28, 2018

The Political Oscars Bu John Stossel

Sunday, Hollywood sycophants give out Oscars.