Right to Print Arms By John Stossel
Are you very afraid? 3D-printed guns are coming.
"Virtually undetectable!" shrieked CNN.
Are you very afraid? 3D-printed guns are coming.
"Virtually undetectable!" shrieked CNN.
I skipped breakfast again this morning. I won't worry about it.
Yes, I've heard the advice. "It's the most important meal of the day." It balances blood sugar levels, kick-starts your metabolism, stimulates the brain, etc.
Seven academic journals were recently hoaxed into publishing ridiculous studies on topics like "rape culture and queer performativity" in dog parks.
The editor of only one of the journals, Roberto Refinetti of Sexuality and Culture, agreed to talk to me about the hoax and whether academics learned anything from being duped.
If you are an American college professor, the way you get a raise or tenure is by getting papers published in "academic journals."
The stupidity of these journals says a lot about what's taught at colleges today.
When I hear "welfare payments," I think "poor people."
Last week Rep. Nancy Pelosi warned President Donald Trump that if he declared an "emergency" to build a wall, "think what a president with different values can present... Why don't you declare (the epidemic of gun violence in America) an emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would... A Democratic president can declare emergencies as well."
There must be a better way to keep kids interested in school than drugging them.
Today, 1 in 5 school-age boys is diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Many are given drugs that are supposed to help them pay attention.
San Francisco is one of the richest cities it the world. It's given us music, technology and elegant architecture.
Sunday is the Super Bowl.
I look forward to playing poker and watching. It's easy to do both because in a three-hour-plus NFL game there are just 11 minutes of actual football action.
It's School Choice Week.
School choice is a noble cause. In much of America, parents have little or no control over where their kids attend school. Local governments assign schools by ZIP code.
This government shutdown is now longer than any in history. The media keep using the word "crisis."
"Shutdown sows chaos, confusion and anxiety!" says The Washington Post. "Pain spreads widely."
Ten states and Washington, D.C., have now legalized adult use of marijuana.
For years, I've heard American leftists say Sweden is proof that socialism works, that it doesn't have to turn out as badly as the Soviet Union or Cuba or Venezuela did.
My New Year's resolution: Make a careful distinction between speech and violence.
America's First Amendment says "yes" to most speech, including speech that criticizes, insults -- even speech that promotes hate. But the law applies only to government.
It's bad enough when leftists smear capitalism. I hate it more when capitalists do it, too.
I'd hoped for more from the world's current richest man, Jeff Bezos.
Struggling to find gifts to get for loved ones? How about a book?
This morning Google told me that it would not allow my YouTube video "Socialism Leads to Violence" to be viewed by young people. It violates "community guidelines," said the company in a computer-generated email.