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October 4, 2018

More Than One-in-Four Have Lost Someone to Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and more than a quarter of Americans have lost someone to the disease.

October 1, 2018

Few Think Social Media Sites Can Edit Themselves in An Unbiased Way

Americans agree that social media sites need to do a better job of separating fact from opinion in their feeds but have very little confidence that they'll do it fairly.

September 25, 2018

Americans Say 'No' to 'Pot' and 'Stoner'

The newly legalized marijuana industry in California is trying to discourage the use of terms like “pot” and “stoner” because they think they carry a negative connotation, and even pot smokers tend to agree.

September 18, 2018

Nearly Half of Adults Have Gone a Week Without Cash

Some southern California businesses have announced plans to go cashless, but the use of cash probably isn’t going away anytime soon, even though nearly half of adults still say they’ve gone a week without it - and that number’s even higher among younger adults.

September 18, 2018

First Responders Shouldn’t Be Responsible for Those Who Ignore Evacuation Orders

As Hurricane Florence pounded the Carolina coast this weekend, many in the storm’s path chose to stay put and ride it out rather than follow the government’s mandatory evacuation orders. But Americans don’t think emergency responders are obligated to help those who ignore those orders.

Jeff Bukowski / Shutterstock.com
September 12, 2018

36% Less Likely to Buy Nike Products After Kaepernick Hire

Athletic brand Nike caused quite a stir earlier this month when they announced former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick as the face of their 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign. Kaepernick, best known for his on-field protests, is a controversial figure among Americans and has already led many to boycott the sports brand.

September 11, 2018

Americans Remember 9/11, or Do They?

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the radical Islamic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 that killed 3,000 Americans and injured another 6,000. Americans are more convinced these days that their sacrifice has not been forgotten, although many still wonder.

September 6, 2018

Most Americans Think Catholic Church Has A Serious Problem with Sexual Predators

The Roman Catholic Church has been making headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. Most Americans – including Catholics -- think the church has no one to blame but itself.

September 3, 2018

Americans Honor Workers This Labor Day

More Americans are celebrating the “labor” in Labor Day this year.

August 31, 2018

Parents Still Like Their Kids’ Schools

As children start returning to school, most parents continue to think highly of their local schools.

August 30, 2018

19% Say Police Tactics Are Too Harsh

Americans recognize the importance of police officers but one-in-five think their local cops need to dial down their tactics.

August 29, 2018

41% Oppose Rewarding Civilians For Help With Arrests

A New York police union is offering a $500 reward to any civilian who helps police officers subdue a suspect who is resisting arrest, but Americans aren’t convinced such a proposal is a good idea in their community.

August 27, 2018

Americans Still Want School To Start in September, Oppose 12-Month Calendar

It’s back-to-school time around the country: kids in many states have already returned to class, while many others are gearing up to start in the coming weeks. But overall, Americans prefer starting school after Labor Day and keeping summer vacation.

August 22, 2018

Most Rate Their Life Today Positively

Americans are feeling great about life these days, though most say the best years happen before 40.

August 21, 2018

40% Think Opioid Drug Crisis Is Getting Worse

President Trump last week urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring a lawsuit against drug companies that produce opioids and therefore contribute to the growing epidemic.

August 21, 2018

82% View Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul, Favorably

Aretha Franklin died last week at the age of 76. She was known as the Queen of Soul, and most Americans have R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for her work.

August 20, 2018

Continuing Protests Likely to Hit NFL Hard

Nearly one-in-four regular watchers of the National Football League say the threat of continuing on-the-field protests may make them turn off pro football this year.

August 16, 2018

Most Say E-Cigarettes No Healthier Than Traditional Ones

A new study out this week determined that smoking electronic cigarettes, or “vaping,” may be more harmful than originally thought, something Americans have worried about for years.

August 16, 2018

Parents See Higher Back-to-School Costs This Year

It’s back-to-school time again, and parents are expecting to open their wallets wider this year to prepare.

August 14, 2018

Voters See More Wildfires But Differ On Why

Like President Trump and California Governor Jerry Brown, voters disagree on the cause of the wildfires raging in northern California, but most think this is a worse season for fires than usual.