If it's in the News, it's in our Polls. Public opinion polling since 2003.


Most Recent Releases

November 19, 2019

Americans Are Strongly Supportive of America and Its Past

Americans still aren’t buying the attacks on this country made by some politicians and college campus radical groups.

Infinite_Eye / Shutterstock.com
November 11, 2019

Americans Praise Veterans Day, Military Service for the Young

Most Americans give high marks to Veterans Day, the holiday that honors military service, and think time spent in the military is good for young people.

November 8, 2019

Americans Oppose Transgender Trend in Athletics

Transgender athletes who are biological males are winning at all levels of girls’ and women’s sports these days, and Americans don’t approve.

October 30, 2019

Americans Aren’t Drawn to Teaching; See Funding, Discipline As Problems

Americans have long admired school teachers but still tend to view teaching as an undesirable job to pursue. Insufficient funding and discipline problems continue to rank highest as school concerns.

October 29, 2019

18% of Americans Say They Are Poor

Despite record highs for the stock market and historic levels of employment, more Americans are describing themselves as poor these days.

October 24, 2019

Most Don’t See Drug Companies As Main Bad Guy in Opioid Crisis

Drug companies are being forced to pay millions to settle opioid lawsuits, but most Americans don’t blame them first for the opioid drug crisis in the country.

October 17, 2019

Most Plan for A Flu Shot Again This Year

Fewer Americans suffered through the flu last winter, and most plan to get a flu shot to make sure they duck it again.

October 17, 2019

Americans Agree Religion Is Under Punishing Assault

Most Americans who value their faith agree with Attorney General William Barr’s strongly worded speech last week declaring that religion is under heavy cultural attack.

October 14, 2019

Most Still Champion A Holiday for Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is still hanging in there. Most Americans still favor a national holiday – celebrated today this year – for the man generally credited with “discovering” America.

October 9, 2019

Americans Remain Highly Intolerant of Each Other’s Political Views

It’s 2016 all over again when it comes to Americans’ political views and how they impact family and friends – even though it’s an off-election year.

Al Sermeno Photography / Shutterstock.com
October 4, 2019

Fans Favor Letting College Athletes Get Paid

Americans are closely divided over a new law in California that will allow athletes to cash in on their success in college. Those who follow college sports closest tend to like the idea more.

October 1, 2019

For Most, Pro Athletes Aren’t Criminals But Do Get Special Treatment

Most Americans don’t see more criminals in professional sports than in society at large but do think pro athletes get breaks from law enforcement that others don’t.

September 24, 2019

Most in America Like Its Diversity and Live It

Just over half of Americans think diversity is a good thing and say they live in neighborhoods that reflect that.

Windover Way Photography / Shutterstock.com
September 19, 2019

14% Favor Ban on Red Hats

Because pro-Trump Make America Great hats are red, a liberal writer suggested recently that Americans should stop wearing red hats in general because they cause anxiety among anti-Trump Americans. A chunk of Americans like the idea of taking red hats off the market for that reason.

September 17, 2019

Americans Strongly Defend Their Right to Own A Gun

Americans’ belief in their constitutional right to own a gun and their support for the Second Amendment that guarantees that right remain strong.

September 16, 2019

Most Agree Some Cities, States Make Homeless Problem Worse

The Trump administration is considering ways to address California’s worsening homelessness situation, but Americans don’t see that as a federal function. Most agree, though, that the actions of some states and cities make the homeless problem worse.

September 11, 2019

Nearly One-in-Four Have Tried Meatless Fast Food

Move over, beef burgers and chicken fingers. Vegetarian “meat” offerings are the latest rage at fast-food restaurants, and a sizable number of Americans are putting them on their tray.

September 3, 2019

Most Still Insist School Shouldn’t Begin Until After Labor Day

Most Americans continue to think the school year shouldn’t begin until after Labor Day and oppose sending kids to school all year long.

September 2, 2019

Americans Honor the ‘Labor’ in Labor Day

For Americans, Labor Day’s a split decision: A day to honor the worker but also the end of summer.

August 30, 2019

Most See Enforcement of Existing Gun Laws As More Important Than New Ones

Americans blame the shooters in mass killings, not the availability of guns, and believe that there are already gun control laws on the books that can make a difference.