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May 7, 2008

Discover (R) U.S. Spending Monitor (SM) Shows Little Movement in April

The April Discover U.S. Spending Monitor reflected a continuing pattern of economic concern from consumers in the face of rising expenses. For the last four months including April, the Monitor has remained in the 85-86 range.

White letter R on blue background
April 29, 2008

Workplace Confidence Tumbles to Another New Low

For the sixth time in the last seven months, confidence in the labor markets tumbled during April. The Rasmussen Employment Index (formerly the Hudson Index) fell nearly a point in April to 83.1. That’s down twenty-four points from a month ago and once again establishes a new all-time low for the five year history of the Index.

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April 28, 2008

Small Business Economic Confidence Continues to Slide

Small business economic confidence continues to slide, marked by another drop in the number of owners who say that economic conditions for their business are getting better.

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April 25, 2008

65% Oppose Increase in Capital Gains Tax

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 65% of Likely Voters oppose an increase in the Capital Gains tax. Just 16% favor an increase, while a fifth of voters are not sure.

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April 23, 2008

Plurality See Little Impact from Yahoo Merger

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 42% of Americans think that a Yahoo merger will have little impact on Internet users.

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April 15, 2008

60% Favor Suspending Gas Tax

On Tuesday, John McCain unveiled a proposal laying out an agenda to change the tax code and temporarily suspend federal gas taxes this summer.

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April 15, 2008

Americans' Financial Security Sentiments Drop to Record Low

Amid fears of a possible recession, Americans feel less secure about their finances now than at any other time in the last 14 months, according to the COUNTRY Financial Security Index(SM). The Index recorded its third consecutive decline in April, slipping .7 points to 67.8, marking its lowest reading to date.

White letter R on blue background
April 10, 2008

Score One for Consumers By Froma Harrop

To anyone who has felt trapped in a circle of bad service: If you haven't heard the story of Mona Shaw, pull up a chair.

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April 7, 2008

63% Say Federal Government Not Doing Enough for Troubled Economy

Sixty-three percent (63%) of Americans say that the federal government is not doing enough to address the troubled U.S. economy. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 19% hold the opposite view and believe the government response has been adequate.

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April 6, 2008

48% Say Best Thing Government Can Do for Economy is Get Out of the Way

While the economy has emerged as the top issue of Election 2008, politicians are still scrambling to find out how to address the topic. The challenge is highlight by a new nationwide telephone survey showing that 48% of voters say the best thing the government can do is get out of the way by reducing taxes and regulations. The Rasmussen Reports poll found that 36% disagree with that approach while 16% are not sure.

White letter R on blue background
April 2, 2008

Discover(R) U.S. Spending Monitor(SM) Falls in March

The Discover U.S. Spending Monitor reached a new low in March as consumers grew even more concerned about the economy and their personal finances in the face of rising monthly expenses.

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April 1, 2008

Pessimism Grows Among US Workers, But 70% Don’t Think They’ll Lose Their Job

The US workforce is getting more pessimistic about the job market, according to the latest Rasmussen Employment Index (formerly the Hudson Index).

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March 31, 2008

Small Business Owners Say Economy Poor, Getting Worse

After an upward tick in February, small business owners' economic confidence took a sharp drop in March, casting the Discover Small Business Watch to its lowest point since its inception in August 2006.

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March 27, 2008

Most Americans Oppose Federal Bailout for Homeowners

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Americans say that the federal government should not help out homeowners who borrowed more than they could afford.

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March 21, 2008

The Declining Economy and Election 2008

The economy has emerged as the top voting issue for Election 2008 at a time when the nation’s consumer and investor confidence has fallen to the lowest level of the past seven years. A Rasmussen Reports video analysis looks at how rapidly economic confidence has deteriorated in the past several months.

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March 21, 2008

78% Say Other Investment Firms Likely to Suffer Bear Sterns Fate

Just 11% of Americans are very confident about the financial stability of the nation’s banking system. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that another 43% are somewhat confident.

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March 18, 2008

Recession? 38% Say DEPRESSION Somewhat Likely

While economists debate whether the United States is in a recession or merely about to enter one, 38% of Americans say the nation is at least somewhat likely to enter another Depression.

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March 18, 2008

Gender Gap Widens on Retirement Outlook

While half of Americans don't think it's possible for a middle income family to retire, the gap between men and women's sentiments on the subject continues to widen, according to a new survey by COUNTRY Financial.

March 5, 2008

Discover(R) U.S. Spending Monitor(SM) Flat in February

The Discover U.S. Spending Monitor steadied in February as spending intentions flattened, while pessimism about the economy increased.

White letter R on blue background
March 5, 2008

National Poll: 19% of Adults Concerned of Being Audited

Nineteen percent (19%) of adults are at least somewhat concerned that their taxes will be audited by the Internal Revenue Service each year.