Ford Still The Favorite Among Big Three Automakers
Ford, the Big Three automaker who didn't take a government bailout, remains the most well-liked of the three companies, although opinions of General Motors have improved.
Ford, the Big Three automaker who didn't take a government bailout, remains the most well-liked of the three companies, although opinions of General Motors have improved.
It's sum ... sum ... summertime. Time to throw away the business books and do some brainless "beach reading." Except when you write a small-business column, you see entrepreneurial advice in just about any book you pick up. It goes with the territory. Truth is you can get business lessons from just about anyone in any field.
Nearly half of Americans believe they will be paying higher interest rates in a year's time, but that's the lowest finding in over two years.
The vast majority of adults nationwide remain concerned about inflation and the impact it will have on grocery prices both now and in the future.
Americans continue to have mixed feelings about the stability of the U.S. banking system but still express less concern about the safety of their own money in those banks.
Working Americans are more skeptical than ever that men and women are equally paid for comparable work, but there remains a wide difference of opinion between the sexes on the question.
Americans are now less convinced than they have been at any time during the Obama presidency that it's still possible for anyone in this country to work their way out of being poor.
Most Americans still believe government workers work less and make more money than those employed by private companies. Yet while the majority also thinks government workers enjoy more job security, they’re less convinced of that than they were a year ago.
Just days after the government's announcement that unemployment has risen to 9.1%, short- and long-term confidence in the U.S. economy are at the lowest levels of the Obama presidency.
It's no secret that state and local governments are hard up for money. Even with the economy improving somewhat and tax revenues increasing, most American states right now are facing budget shortfalls.
Voters remain narrowly divided over how much the government should get involved in trying to turn around the U.S. economy.
One-out-of-three Americans think it’s good for the U.S. economy if the government puts more people on the payroll, but most adults still don’t see government as the solution to long-term unemployment.
With most college graduations over and high school graduations in progress, the impending entry into the “real world” is on the minds of many young adults, and often, the first thought is finding a job. But Americans overwhelmingly believe that won't be easy for this year's graduates.
Most voters continue to feel that tax cuts and decreases in government spending help the U.S. economy.
Even as the government releases a new report showing surprisingly little job creation in May and an increase in the unemployment rate, nearly one-out-of-three Americans predict that the unemployment rate will be higher a year from now.
Many Americans believe the country's economic meltdown was primarily due to criminal behavior by some financial executives, and a sizable majority feel the federal government has not been aggressive enough in pursuing criminal behavior by top Wall Street executives.
The Rasmussen Employment Index, which measures workers’ perceptions of the labor market each month, gained another two points in May after a five-point recovery last month from March’s recent low.
Americans still look back unfavorably on the federal government bailout of the financial industry and think the billions in taxpayer money went to those who caused the financial meltdown.
Sadly, the securities laws don't make it easy for small startups to raise capital from lots of "little" investors. So how do you structure a startup when
-- You've got lots of people involved, some putting in money, others putting in "sweat equity" and still others providing both
-- You are looking to raise only a small amount of money (less than $250,000) to launch the business?
-- You cannot afford the services of a qualified securities attorney?
Most voters know they want to cut government spending in a serious way, but despite the ongoing national budget-cutting debate, they don’t seem to recognize what that’s going to take.