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July 12, 2011

57% of Working Americans Say They're Middle Class, Lowest Level in Two Years

One-in-five working Americans continue to classify themselves as poor, while the number of those who consider themselves middle class has fallen to a two-year low.

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July 12, 2011

Can You Punish Employees For Things They Say on Facebook? By Cliff Ennico

"I run a small advertising agency with about 10 employees. Given the nature of our work, our employees spend much of their time online, especially on the social media websites including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We have found these websites a tremendous source of revenue, as all of our clients are looking to develop advertising strategies for these sites.

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July 12, 2011

70% Think Government Regulation Hurts Small Business More Than Big Business

Voters don’t care much for government regulation of the economy and think it has a bigger negative impact on small business.

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July 8, 2011

70% Think Banks Should Loan Only To Those Best Able To Repay

While many policy makers worry that credit is too tight, most Americans think instead that people are borrowing more than they can afford.

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July 8, 2011

Hiring Expectations Peaked Last November

Last November, the Rasmussen Employment Index capped four months of improvement by reaching its highest level since February 2008. At that time, the number of workers who reported their firms were hiring (20.5%) was nearly equal to the number reporting layoffs (20.7%). That was the best net hiring number (-0.2) since the financial industry melted down in September 2008. It also turns out to be the peak of the post-bailout era.

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July 7, 2011

40% See Better Job In Their Future

American workers are more confident that their next job will be better than their current one, but most still aren’t looking for other work just yet.

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July 7, 2011

Americans Divided On Views of NAACP

As with many organizations that get caught up in partisan politics, the NAACP gets mixed reviews from the American public.

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July 7, 2011

23% Confident Policymakers Know What They’re Doing About The Economy

As Congress continues its debate over the national debt ceiling, Americans are less confident than ever that the nation’s policymakers know what they are doing when it comes to the economy.

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July 6, 2011

Most Say They Don't Overuse Their Credit Cards But Think Others Do

Most Americans think their fellow countrymen use their credit cards too much but don’t feel they personally have a borrowing problem.

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July 6, 2011

42% Give the NEA Positive Marks, 54% Like the NRA

The nation’s largest teachers’ union on Monday endorsed President Obama’s reelection 16 months before Election Day 2012, but then most Republicans already have a negative opinion of the National Education Association. Democrats, on the other hand, are big fans.

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July 5, 2011

Rasmussen Employment Index Makes Modest Gain In June

The Rasmussen Employment Index, which measures workers’ perceptions of the labor market each month, inched up less than point in June.

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July 5, 2011

52% Have Favorable Opinion of AARP

AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, has made news recently by shifting its position on Social Security benefit cuts, but public perceptions of the group are little changed from two years ago.

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June 28, 2011

How to Sell Successfully on eBay ... Advice From the Pros By Cliff Ennico

Last week, I gave a presentation on Internet sales taxes at the eighth annual eBay Radio party in Las Vegas -- a confab of some of the top eBay sellers in the United States and Canada.

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June 23, 2011

51% Now Recognize Most Federal Spending Goes to Defense, Medicare and Social Security

The majority of voters now understand that most of the federal budget goes to just three areas, but they still want to vote on any proposed changes to the ones that directly impact their retirement. 

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June 21, 2011

The Right Way to Advertise Your Securities? Don't! By Cliff Ennico

It pays to read your junk mail sometimes. Last week, I received a postcard from a Broadway production company looking to raise money for a revival of a classic Broadway musical.

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June 21, 2011

47% See Buying A Home As Family’s Best Investment

Most Americans continue to believe now is not a good time for someone to sell their house.  At the same time, confidence that buying a home is the best investment a family can make has fallen to a new low.

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June 20, 2011

Confidence in Housing Values Plummets

Overall confidence in housing values among homeowners has plummeted, with the number who say their home is worth more than what they owe on their mortgage lower than ever.

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June 17, 2011

61% Oppose Online State Lottery Sales

Many cash-strapped states are considering selling lottery tickets online to boost revenue. Some like Minnesota and New Jersey have already begun the process. But most Americans nationwide aren’t keen on the idea, perhaps because many think online gambling shouldn’t be legal.

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June 15, 2011

46% Expect GM To Fully Repay Bailout, 44% Don't

While both General Motors and Chrysler have repaid sizable portions of their federal government bailouts, fewer than half of Americans now believe either automaker will fully repay taxpayers for the money they received.

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June 15, 2011

Support for State-Run Lotteries Is Declining

While state lotteries across the country scramble for ways to attract customers, Americans seem to be less enthusiastic about the government-run gambling operations.