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August 9, 2011

What Double Dip? Americans Say the Recession Never Ended

Rasmussen Reports measures consumer confidence on a daily basis, and one of our standard questions is whether or not the United States is currently in a recession. According to the economists, the last recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, and some are wondering if we are on the path to a double dip.

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August 2, 2011

Rasmussen Employment Index Down Sharply: Just 18% Report Their Firms Are Hiring

The Rasmussen Employment Index, which measures workers’ perceptions of the labor market each month, fell nearly eight points in July to the lowest level since March.

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July 30, 2011

Only 18% Favor Law Prohibiting Employers From Considering Criminal Background When Hiring

San Francisco is considering a new law that would prohibit employers from inquiring about an individual’s criminal history before hiring them. Hawaii, New York, Massachusetts and Philadelphia already have similar laws. But just 18% of American Adults favor a law that would prohibit employers from considering an applicant’s criminal record when making a hiring decision.

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July 29, 2011

Congress Still Viewed Least Favorably On List of Professions

While the ongoing debt ceiling debate hasn’t helped matters, Americans still list being a member of Congress as the least favorable on a list of nine professions.

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July 28, 2011

Financially Troubled Homeowners Say No to Government Bailout

One of the enduring myths in the debate over federal spending is that voters want spending cuts in general but reject cuts to specific programs that help them. New data on the attitudes of financially troubled homeowners casts doubt upon that belief.

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July 27, 2011

Voters Skeptical About Fairness of Hiring Practices in Business World

Voters nationwide aren’t exactly confident that most employers in the business world are hiring the best candidates.

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July 26, 2011

Spreading out the Taxes on Lottery Winnings By Cliff Ennico

"I have an unusual question for you. If I win a large prize in the lottery, should/could I establish a nonprofit corporation to receive the prize? I asked a financial advisor about this, and he said that I could do this and also have the identity of the manager (me) hidden from the public.

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July 26, 2011

80% Think Any Budget Surplus Should Go To Paying Down the Debt

Should Congress ever again be able to generate a budget surplus, voters overwhelmingly want that money to go toward paying down the federal debt.

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July 24, 2011

62% Say Troubled Homeowners Should Buy Cheaper Houses

The federal government Friday extended its deadline to apply to the Emergency Homeowners Loan Program, but most Americans believe troubled homeowners should sell their homes rather than receive government assistance to keep them.

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July 22, 2011

Confidence in Home-Buying As a Family Investment Falls to Record Low

The belief among Americans that purchasing a home is a family’s best investment is weaker than ever.

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July 21, 2011

Just 49% Say Home Is Worth More Than Mortgage

For the second month in a row, less than half of America’s homeowners believe the value of their home is worth more than the amount they still owe on their mortgage.

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July 19, 2011

Just 11% Expect Their Home’s Value To Go Up Over Next Year

Confidence that home values will go up over the coming year has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.

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July 19, 2011

Homer's 'Iliad' and the Federal Budget Debate By Cliff Ennico

Those trying to figure out the mood of the American voter right now are bound to be scratching their heads.  Last November, the voters threw Republicans into Congress in almost record numbers with a mandate to slash government spending and keep taxes as low as possible.

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July 18, 2011

67% Believe Consumers Would Buy New Light Bulbs If They Work Even If Traditional Bulbs Are Still Available

The U.S. Department of Energy says that new light bulbs will cost more up front but save money in the long run. That, plus expected energy savings, has led to government regulations that will effectively ban the sale of traditional light bulbs starting next year.

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July 16, 2011

57% Expect Higher Interest Rates Next Year

After dipping to a two-year low last month, the number of Americans who expect to pay higher interest rates next year has returned to levels found earlier in 2011.

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July 14, 2011

79% Are Concerned About Inflation

Most Americans remain worried about inflation and lack confidence in the Federal Reserve to keep inflation under control and interest rates down.

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July 14, 2011

55% Oppose Tax Hike In Debt Ceiling Deal

As the Beltway politicians try to figure out how they will raise the debt ceiling and for how long, most voters oppose including tax hikes in the deal.

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July 14, 2011

Americans Divided Over Whether Government Will Do Too Much or Not Enough For Economy

As the nation struggles with high unemployment and a depressed housing market, voters are evenly divided about which worries them more—that the government will not do enough to fix the economy rather than do too much.

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July 13, 2011

45% Confident In Stability Of U.S. Banking Industry

Trust in the U.S. banking industry has steadily slipped over the past three months, and the number of Americans that lack confidence now outweighs the number that is confident.

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July 13, 2011

42% View Chamber of Commerce Favorably; 58% Share Favorable Opinion of AMA

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the major lobbying force in Washington, DC for the business community, but voters have mixed feelings about the organization.