Market Update: Iowa Shakes Up the Race
Immediate reaction to the results from Iowa has shaken up both the Republican and Democratic races for the White House.
Immediate reaction to the results from Iowa has shaken up both the Republican and Democratic races for the White House.
The number of Americans who consider themselves to be Republicans jumped nearly two percentage points in December to 34.2%. That’s the largest market share for the Republican brand in nearly two years, since January 2006.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that, if the Congressional Election were held today, 46% of American voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their district and 36% would opt for the Republican.
Sixty percent (60%) of likely voters believe that American society is generally fair and decent. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 28% disagree and say society is generally unfair and discriminatory.On this question, there are significant partisan and demographic differences.
During the month of November, 37.4% of Americans considered themselves to be Democrats, 32.5% said they were Republicans, and 30.2% were not affiliated with either major party.
A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 23% of American voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction. That’s up two points since September, but 71% still believe the nation has gotten off on the wrong track.
Confidence in the War on Terror increased for the fourth straight month in November and is now near the highest level of President Bush’s second term in office.
The latest Rasmussen Reports tracking poll of electoral issues confirms that Democrats tend to place the most emphasis on domestic issues, Republicans on national security and immigration.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that, if the Congressional Election were held today, 46% of American voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their district and 35% would opt for the Republican.
Forty-eight percent (48%) of voters now say that the best days for the USA have come and gone. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 37% believe the nation’s best days are still to come.
During the month of October, 37.3% of Americans considered themselves to be Democrats, 32.7% said they were Republicans, and 30.0% were not affiliated with either major party.
The U.S. Congress has done little in recent weeks to improve perceptions of its performance. Just 16% of likely think it's doing an Excellent (2%) or Good (14%) job, while 35% are willing to call the legislature's performance Fair.
The latest Rasmussen Reports tracking poll finds that 43% of Americans now say the U.S.
The latest Rasmussen Reports tracking poll of issues shows Democrats with the advantage on two out of the three issues that most widely affect voters' decision-making.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that, if the Congressional Election were held today, 48% of American voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their district and 36% would opt for the Republican.
During the month of September, 37.2% of Americans considered themselves to be Democrats, 32.6% said they were Republicans, and 30.2% were not affiliated with either major party.
A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 21% of American voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction. That’s up a point from a month ago but down from 27% a year ago and from 43% in Election 2004.
Fifteen percent (15%) of voters believe that Congress is doing an excellent (2%) or a good (13%) job.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of likely voters believe that America and her allies are winning the War on Terror.
More than three fourths of voters (78%) expect the issue of Government Ethics and Corruption to have a Very Important impact on their vote.