What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls -- For The Week Ending July 14, 2012
Election Day is less than four months away, and Rasmussen Reports this week opened its Election 2012 roundup page to bring you the one stop you’ll need to make every day for the latest in political polling news. It features our breaking news polls, in-depth looks at how the presidential candidates stack up the Electoral College, how Senate races nationwide are going, even the Twitter feeds from the candidates themselves.
President Obama and Mitt Romney continue to run neck-and-neck in our daily Presidential Tracking Poll. But right now, Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections show states with 207 Electoral Votes in President Obama’s column, while states with 170 Electoral Voters are projected to go for Mitt Romney. When leaners are included, it’s Obama 247, Romney 191. Seven states, with 100 Electoral College votes, are currently rated as Toss-Ups.
One of those toss-ups is the key swing state of Florida where new polling finds Romney with 46% support to Obama’s 45%. This is little changed since April after the president posted slight leads earlier in the year.
Romney's well ahead in North Dakota – 51% to 36% - a state that’s considered Safe Republican. Republican Congressman Rick Berg is leading former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp by nine points – 49% to 40% - in the U.S. Senate race in North Dakota.