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August 9, 2013

35% Think Global Warming Is A Very Serious Problem

Most voters remain at least somewhat concerned about global warming, but they still have mixed opinions about what causes it. Most think scientists don't agree on the cause either.  

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of Likely Voters believe global warming is at least a somewhat serious problem.  Thirty-four percent (34%) don’t agree.  This includes 35% who think global warming is a Very Serious issue and 11% who say it's Not At All Serious.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on August 5-6, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

August 7, 2013

27% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction

Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, August 4.

That’s just a point higher than the previous two weeks' finding of 26% which marked the lowest level of confidence since mid-January 2012. Confidence in the country's direction rose steadily last fall, peaking at a high of 43% the week just before Election Day. It's been gradually decreasing ever since.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on July 29-August 4, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

August 5, 2013

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 41%, Democrats 38%

Republicans now hold a three-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending August 4.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 38% would choose the Democrat instead. The week before, Democrats led by one - 39% to 38%.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from July 29-August 4, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage point with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

August 5, 2013

48% Still Want Their Governor To Fight Health Care Law

Voters remain closely divided over whether their state should have its own health care exchange, but roughly half still want their governor to oppose implementation of President Obama’s national health care law.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters now want their governor to support implementation of the health care law in their state, but 48% want their governor to oppose implementation instead. Twelve percent (12%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.) 

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on August 3-4, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

August 3, 2013

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending August 3, 2013

In this 50-50 nation, Americans remain closely divided over whether government is the problem or the solution.

August 2, 2013

10% Rate Congress As Good or Excellent

Voters aren’t exactly singing Congress’s praises, but they’re giving it ever-so-slightly more positive ratings this month.

A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 10% of Likely U.S. Voters now rate Congress’s performance as good or excellent. That’s up from seven percent (7%) at the beginning of July and the first time Congress' positives have reached double digits this year. Still, two-thirds (66%) of voters give Congress poor marks. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

How did you do in this week’s Rasmussen Challenge?  Check the leaderboard

(Want a free daily e-mail update ? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 30-31, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

August 1, 2013

President Obama’s Full-Month Approval Rating Stays at 47%

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

President Obama’s total job approval held steady at 47% in July, tying the president’s lowest approval rating since December 2011. The president’s ratings for the past two months are more in line with his approval during most of his first term in office.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

July 31, 2013

26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

For the second week in a row, 26% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, July 28.

That ties the finding from the previous week, the lowest level of confidence since mid-January 2012. Confidence in the country's direction rose steadily last fall, peaking at a high of 43% the week just before Election Day. It's been gradually decreasing ever since.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on July 22-28, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 31, 2013

Republicans Still Trusted More on Economy

Voters are almost evenly divided when asked which party they trust more to handle the 15 important issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports, but they continue to favor Republicans most on the number one issue, the economy.

New national telephone surveying finds that the GOP is trusted more on seven issues, the Democrats on eight. In late May and early June, voters trusted Republicans more on 10 out of 15 issues after the post-election bounce for President Obama and his party had subsided. That was a complete reversal from March

Republicans are trusted more on the economy, taxes, job creation, government spending, issues affecting small business, gun control and national security.  Democrats earn more trust from voters when it comes to energy policy, the environment, Afghanistan, immigration, government ethics and corruption, health care, Social Security and education. On three of these issues, however, Democrats post just a one-point lead. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Win an iPad: There’s still time to play this week’s Rasmussen Challenge!

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

Three national surveys of 1,000 Likely Voters each were conducted on July 18-19, 24-25 & 28-29, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 30, 2013

Rasmussen Employment Index Falls to 2013 Low

The Rasmussen Employment Index which measures worker confidence dropped 10 points in July to its lowest level since last November.

At 83.1, worker confidence is down four points from the beginning of the year but is still up three points from a year ago. The Employment Index reached a near six-year high of 94.4 in May. The Index is down 24 points from June 2007.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 9,104 working Americans was conducted in July 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 1 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 29, 2013

Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 39%, Republicans 38%

Democrats hold a one-point lead over Republicans on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending July 28.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Democrat in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 38% would choose the Republican instead. The week before, Democrats led by two - 40% to 38%. 

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from July 22-28, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage point with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 29, 2013

75% Favor Buying Health Insurance Across State Lines

Most voters still don’t like President Obama’s national health care law, and more voters than ever favor buying health insurance across state lines to increase consumer options.

Forty-two percent (42%) of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the health care law, while 53% view it unfavorably, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. This includes 18% with a Very Favorable view of the law and 40% with a Very Unfavorable one. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).  Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 26-27, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 27, 2013

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending July 27, 2013

President Obama attempted this week to shift the nation’s attention away from what he calls “phony” scandals and back to the economy.

July 26, 2013

49% Think Obama Too Hostile Toward Small Business

Voters are more critical of President Obama’s policies toward small business and continue to believe he favors big business instead.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters now think Obama’s policies are too hostile to small business. That's up from 46% in May.  By comparison, only 33% think the president's policies are too hostile to big business. 

Twenty-three percent (23%) think the president's policies are too friendly to big business, but just five percent (5%) feel that way about his policies toward small business. Thirty-seven percent (37%) feel Obama's small business policies are about right, down from a high of 43% in February, while 32% rate his big business policies as about right. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

How did you do in this week’s Rasmussen Challenge?  Check the leaderboard.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 20-21, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology

July 24, 2013

26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-six percent (26%) of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, July 21.

That’s down four points from the previous week and the lowest level of confidence since mid-January 2012. Confidence in the country's direction rose steadily last fall, peaking at a high of 43% the week just before Election Day. It's been gradually decreasing ever since.

After President Obama assumed office in January 2009, the number of voters who felt the country was heading in the right direction rose to a high of 40% in early May of that year. In 2010 and 2011, confidence fell to the narrow range of 14% to 19%, levels similar to those measured in the final months of the George W. Bush administration. Optimism began easing up again in mid-December 2011.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on July 15-21, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 22, 2013

Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 40%, Republicans 38%

Democrats have regained their lead over Republicans on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending July 21, 2013.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Democrat in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 38% would choose the Republican instead. Last week, Republicans led by one - 39% to 38%. 

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from July 15-21, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage point with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 22, 2013

61% Expect Health Care in U.S. To Get Worse Over Next Two Years

Voters continue to give high marks to the health care they now receive but are more pessimistic than ever about the short-term future of the health care system in this country.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 24% of Likely U.S. Voters now expect the U.S. health care system to get better over the next couple of years. Sixty-one percent (61%) think that system will get worse. That’s up four points from a month ago and up 13 points since February.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 20-21, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

July 20, 2013

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - For The Week Ending July 20, 2013

Reactions to the George Zimmerman verdict highlight how wide the racial divide remains in America.

July 19, 2013

44% Rate Obama’s Handling of Health Care Positively

President Obama earns slightly better marks from voters this month when it comes to health care and Social Security.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters now rate the president's handling of health care issues as good or excellent. That's up from June’s low of 38% but consistent with regular surveying prior to that since February. Forty-three percent (43%) now rate the president poorly on health care, also generally in line with previous surveys. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 12-13, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology. 

July 19, 2013

44% Rate Obama’s Handling of Health Care Positively

President Obama earns slightly better marks from voters this month when it comes to health care and Social Security.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters now rate the president's handling of health care issues as good or excellent. That's up from June’s low of 38% but consistent with regular surveying prior to that since February. Forty-three percent (43%) now rate the president poorly on health care, also generally in line with previous surveys. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 12-13, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology